Saturday, September 3, 2011

Beautiful Moments Blogged- September 2nd

Yesterday Mason, Hailey and I decided to see if Welly and Boots could still swim. Not sure if we tried last year or not but Welly is so much bigger and heavier now I wasn't too sure, because they are not supposed to be able too. Sure enough they both can, Welly more so than Boots, it was so much fun. I have the best video to post at some point, stay tuned for that. It was a beautiful moment to be all together in the pool and sunshine sharing this experiment, I LOVE listening to my lovely kiddo's giggle (yes I class Mason as mine).

You are reading this while I'm in Carlsbad NM, how cool is that?! I didn't want to fall behind on the first day so I set it up to post tomorrow (Saturday). What was your Beautiful Moment today?

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