Friday, April 15, 2011

Foto Friday

We had another challenge this week, and although I thought it would be reasonably easy I was very much mistaken. We had to focus on us and not the kids. This was doubly hard as I am a Mum of three and a Daycare provider, I live and breathe kids. So I really had to think. Friday- I thought the first photo should be of me, very appropriate I think. Here I am in my lovely apron cooking a family dinner. Saturday- My tattoos, each one has a story: Tigger- My very first tattoo. I went to stay with my best friend Cookie for a week and I was told I could do anything APART from get a tattoo. OOPS, I don't think I heard the last bit. Mum was M-A-D she didn't speak to me the whole week. Dragon- HATE this stupid little dragon!!!!! My sister told me whatever you do don't get a tattoo on your arm, "you will regret it". OOPS, I don't think I heard the last part. Guess what, I REGRET it. Me and my friend Amy went and got it done, I believe I broke her hand during it, well not quite. Tweety Pie- I got this one the weekend Chris and I first met, we were in great yarmouth. Bugs Bunny- I got this one when my brother was here, I got cute little bugs bunny and Rob, Sam, and Chris also got theirs done as well. Great painful bonding moment. Hands- My lovely little girls hands, LOVE this one it is my favourite. It was meant to be for my birthday, my best friend Sonya and I were going to do it together in June but I was going to wuss out. So we book the next appointment. Note, hers is STILL not finished, hopefully next week. Sunday- Yes, this is my life. Don't be jealous, this life is ALL mine!! All day laundry!!
Monday- My lovely snake Sunshine. I always wanted a yellow snake and because I'm spoilt I got one!! Little did I know they cost $700.
Tuesday- I was so happy and proud with my work that I got them framed, here they are on my living room wall. OK I didn't take Hailey's picture but the rest are mine. I'm very happy with them.
Wednesday- My first dog Rexy Roo Roo, I love my puppy. Chris hates this dog, it makes me laugh so much. I love when I'm eating an apple and Rex is making these weird noises just waiting for the core. We got Rex when Masie was just a few weeks old.
Thursday- First confession time!! I did not lose the 5lbs not even close, and I'm not posting a horrible picture of myself either. Its my blog!!! BUT, Sonya and I are signing up for some classes and are going to do this together. So this is me getting fit, why does healthy food make you starving?? Next time I just need to add a roll or something.
Challenge 2 complete


  1. lovely posts but i love seeing the girls can we go back to normal next week? your salad looks lovely add some protein to it to help you burn fat a stay fuller for longer. xx

  2. You should add some Quinoa - I use a coffee grinder and make it into a powder so that I don't have to taste it and feel it's nasty texture but it has loads of protein. :-)

    I do love this challenge. I am liking the challenges a lot - it really gets me going and thinking. We definitely went totally different ways with this one. I was going to post it right now but Jaylean is squealing she is cold in the bathtub so I need to go supervise so all of her parts get clean...then I promise to post mine!

  3. i remember that first tattoo so well my god i was so angry, i can remember you phoning and tell me, you also said which still makes me smile is, dont' worry mum you still love me and you won't be cross when i come home, i love all the other ones as well apart from the dragon. well done on your photo friday.

  4. Great Photos, as always, but did you have to put my name in there? Now I HAVE to go to the classes! Ugh!
