Friday, April 1, 2011

Fame or Shame

I am either going to give myself fame or a whole lot of shame. I announce that I Kerry Dorcheus will lose 5lb in two weeks. I think that is a very realistic goal and if I don't do it I will post a very unflattering picture of my self!!!! I need to get myself together, I keep trying and giving up just days later, Hopefully this will give me the push start I need. My starting weight is.............. (Oh god I cant believe I'm actually telling you this) 168lbs. That's a wake up call for sure!!


  1. Ok, I am with you! 5lbs. You can do it! :)

  2. You CAN do this. You are awesome. Do NOT be ashamed. You are a really beautiful lady Kerry. You can do this!!!!!

  3. How very brave of you to post your weight on line, you can lose 5lb i'm with you all the way. xx Is that a challenge.
