Friday, April 8, 2011

Foto Friday

This was a very difficult week for me, well as Foto Friday is concerned. Kristi and I did a challenge, this weeks Foto Friday wasn't allowed to include kids or anything about them. I didn't realise exactly how much I relied on my kids to complete my weekly post. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I love having them in there and its usually cute or fun. I had to think outside the box this week and boy did it make me think BUT I absolutely loved doing it and I hope you enjoy the pictures. Cant wait for the next challenge, wonder what it will be!! Friday- Our cactus out front has just recently bloomed and the flowers are gorgeous. They are very colorful. Saturday- Jangles was saving his food until later, instead of having it around his mouth he decided he liked it better on his head. It was too cute, he was sat in the bath during this picture and not slightly bothered that this cricket was sitting on his head.
Sunday- These are going to get Chris and I through the hot summer of New Mexico. SONIC is the BEST!!! We get our ice tea in a route 44 cup. I get peach and Chris gets Raspberry, oh its so good.
Monday- I struggled this day to find a picture, I decided to go with a little piece of my town. This is the high street, this is the road that takes you everywhere, in and out of town, base, ruidoso etc etc. It also has all the food places too, we visit here often, plus it has Sonic too.
Tuesday- A lovely peach pie, made from scratch by no other than ME!!! I know the pastry stripes aren't equal but I think it gives the pie character,lol.
Wednesday- Welly can still swim!! He is getting so big so I didn't know if he could still swim, I put him in the paddling pool (I was about to empty it) and he took off, slow and easy strides. Very cute!! I love Welly, cant wait until he gets huge!!
Thursday- Check it out, its ME!! Chris gave me the idea and I went for it. I told you I had a hard time thinking of ideas, I even got Chris involved.
Overall I'm very happy the way my Foto Friday turned out, I really had no idea which way it was going to go.


  1. Oh my god! I love it! I think it might be my favorite foto friday so far!!! :-) Seriously, I could say something about every picture - I love them all.

    But I will say in the last one you look fantastic! :-) You are so gorgeous and you look real happy in that one!!!

  2. love the pic of Jangles with his lunch, & you just look at you still as gorgeous as ever xx

  3. great thinking outside the box! nicely done claudia loves the picture of welly she says did you know they live until they are 100 years old. we are off to the cinema to watch a turtles tale xx

  4. Fantastic photo friday, You really should tell jingles not to play with his food lol, you look fantastic, cant wait to see you. xxx
