Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Easter was fun, it was an early start as Masie is the biggest kid ever and couldn't wait another second. The Easter bunny hid the eggs the night before and I find this picture on my camera. Is Mango the Easter bunny? Or was he just helping?
I'm so mad at that bunny!! He decided to make a mess in MY house and leave little chocolate prints everywhere, the kids thought it was the best ever but I did not as it doesn't come off very easily and part of my wall needs re painting. Bright idea Easter bunny!! Oh and we caught the dogs trying to clean it up.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Welly The Sulcuta Tortoise
Masie is very interested in Welly and I have encouraged her to do a project where she will research Sulcatas and print out pictures. She has gone ahead with this and doing a great job, she is so smart. Her teacher has allowed her to come in to the class and present her project to her fellow class mates. This is great for Masie, she gets to show off her hard work and it will boost her confidence with speaking in front of people. As hard as it is for me I'm and not getting involved and I want the project done by just her, I am of course assisting but its all Masie. I am getting all my pet pictures in the same place so its easier for her tonight when she picks out photos for her poster.
I knew Welly had grown but it wasn't until I found his hatchling picture did I realize just how much.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunshine in Preschool
Hailey has been speaking to her teachers lately about her snakes, Mrs Carr asked me about them and if I would be willing to bring them in to show the class. I told her I would be delighted to, so the next day we had a time set up and off we went. Hailey was extremely proud and very confident standing in the middle of the circle talking about her Sunshine. She told everyone "she not bite you, she nice snake".
Everyone but Rya touched her, Rya was very concerned that nobody was panicking that there was a snake in the class room, very cute. Hailey's best friend Brooke was the most excited and asked to come up a second time.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
We're Ready are YOU?
Easter baskets are filled and ready to be hidden. The Easter bunny decided to get these cute little buckets this year instead of baskets, the girls made out this year, that Easter bunny was feeling generous. He was so excited to find a Cadbury eggs just like the ones in England.
Book Review- The Mouse and the Motorcycle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I gave this book a five star as it kept my kids intrested and entertained the whole way through. They wanted more and more, Masie was mad when it ended. Taylor loved the part when the boy gave him the bike, Masie like the part when all the cousins were asking for more stories and Ralph was getting excited. Hailey loved the part when the mouse got trapped under a glass, little meany.
It was a very cute book.
View all my reviews
Friday, April 22, 2011
Foto Friday
No challenge this week, just a normal Foto Friday.
Friday- I just had to take a picture of my Masie, isn't she gorgeous?! She went to bed with a braid in her hair so it would be all wavy in the morning. It looked really lovely, she was excited because I let her leave it down, which never happens for school usually. Her goal is to have hair like Rapunzel, almost there.
Saturday- A much better healthy lunch, I had a salad full of different greens, olives, and croutons with some light dressing. To go with it I had a home made burger with avocado slices on a whole wheat bun, yummy, and I was very full afterwards.
Sunday- My Mum's 50th birthday. I was upset that I couldnt pop over and be with her on her special day, the miles seem so far away on days like this. BUT, my family is amazing and I NEVER feel left out of anything. My sister and family are over from Ireland and my brother and his family came over too. They saved her presents and cake for when we could be with them over skype. All us siblings got together and bought her a lovely card and a Kindle!!! It made my day to be there with them all, even though the cake looked delicious and I had to watch everyone eat it. Oh and OLIVIA sat right in front of the camera eating it very slowing and describing just how lovely it was.
Monday- Disgusting!! Although I didn't catch it on camera I thought this was a good picture. Pablo just got done sticking his tongue in Haily's mouth. Yuck. Plus it has her toy she was playing with happily for hours, a car, welly boot, and a maraca.
Tuesday- We went through a giant water melon in 2 days. My kids (and daycare kids) will eat it all day long. Its so refreshing on a hot day to have a great big piece of cold water melon.
Wednesday- Hailey doesn't have school on Wednesdays so we took a nice walk around the neighbourhood. This was a big day, Chris tested for Mater Sgt, wish him luck!!!! And, I took a big step and started some exercise classes, I was very nervous but glad I went. After the first four minutes I thought I was going to die (seriously) but I survived it and will go back after seeing my butt sat on the ball all spread out, scary.
Friday- I just had to take a picture of my Masie, isn't she gorgeous?! She went to bed with a braid in her hair so it would be all wavy in the morning. It looked really lovely, she was excited because I let her leave it down, which never happens for school usually. Her goal is to have hair like Rapunzel, almost there.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
It is finally done!! Sonya's tattoo was finished yesterday after many, many weeks of waiting. It was such a huge piece that he couldn't finish it all at once. I thought it looked good at this point, but with color its fabulous!!!
Sonya is a little, OK a lot weird!! She can have a needle being dragged through her skin and still have a conversation with me!! All I wanted was to see her in a little pain, but no she didn't give it to me. I was such a wuss through mine I wanted to make myself feel better. Then when he did the color I couldn't make it because it was during the day and then she decides it hurts. In her defense he had to use a medieval torture device to make the gorgeous stripes, but still, I missed it!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Yellow Belts
Both girls got their yellow belts!! I'm so proud of them, we went to the award ceremony a few nights ago, it was l.o.n.g and everyone was getting a little fidgety but all were in good spirits. As we hadn't heard about Taylor we were a little nervous and didn't want her to be upset if she didn't get her belt. Taylor was the last yellow belt left so we were relieved and thankful. They look great in yellow!! First class is tomorrow, they are excited.
My little white belts waiting for their names to be called. They were each given the Maximum amount of stars (3) from their teachers which they get to proudly wear on their new belts. Stars show what kind of student they are. I have them in the shop and hopefully they will be ready before their first class. (No I cant sew!!)
Book Review- Little Women...... Failed
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Book Review- Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Foto Friday
We had another challenge this week, and although I thought it would be reasonably easy I was very much mistaken. We had to focus on us and not the kids. This was doubly hard as I am a Mum of three and a Daycare provider, I live and breathe kids. So I really had to think. Friday- I thought the first photo should be of me, very appropriate I think. Here I am in my lovely apron cooking a family dinner.
Saturday- My tattoos, each one has a story: Tigger- My very first tattoo. I went to stay with my best friend Cookie for a week and I was told I could do anything APART from get a tattoo. OOPS, I don't think I heard the last bit. Mum was M-A-D she didn't speak to me the whole week. Dragon- HATE this stupid little dragon!!!!! My sister told me whatever you do don't get a tattoo on your arm, "you will regret it". OOPS, I don't think I heard the last part. Guess what, I REGRET it. Me and my friend Amy went and got it done, I believe I broke her hand during it, well not quite. Tweety Pie- I got this one the weekend Chris and I first met, we were in great yarmouth. Bugs Bunny- I got this one when my brother was here, I got cute little bugs bunny and Rob, Sam, and Chris also got theirs done as well. Great painful bonding moment. Hands- My lovely little girls hands, LOVE this one it is my favourite. It was meant to be for my birthday, my best friend Sonya and I were going to do it together in June but I was going to wuss out. So we book the next appointment. Note, hers is STILL not finished, hopefully next week.
Sunday- Yes, this is my life. Don't be jealous, this life is ALL mine!! All day laundry!!
Monday- My lovely snake Sunshine. I always wanted a yellow snake and because I'm spoilt I got one!! Little did I know they cost $700.
Tuesday- I was so happy and proud with my work that I got them framed, here they are on my living room wall. OK I didn't take Hailey's picture but the rest are mine. I'm very happy with them.
Wednesday- My first dog Rexy Roo Roo, I love my puppy. Chris hates this dog, it makes me laugh so much. I love when I'm eating an apple and Rex is making these weird noises just waiting for the core. We got Rex when Masie was just a few weeks old.
Thursday- First confession time!! I did not lose the 5lbs not even close, and I'm not posting a horrible picture of myself either. Its my blog!!! BUT, Sonya and I are signing up for some classes and are going to do this together. So this is me getting fit, why does healthy food make you starving?? Next time I just need to add a roll or something.
Challenge 2 complete

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Taylor Tested For Yellow Belt And...............
We find out on Friday!! She did fabulous I know she made it but they haven't gone through the test score sheets yet. It was a really small group which was great but she was in with a lot of other colored belts so she was getting confused at first. 
She was paired with an instructor because of her arm, this gave her a huge advantage as she didn't have to worry about her partner knowing what they were doing. She looked so cute up there.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Masie Tested For Yellow Belt And.................
MADE IT!! I'm so proud of her, this was a big day for her. She trained hard and got the results!
Award ceremony is Friday where she will presented her new belt!!
Taylor tests tomorrow, wish her luck. She wasn't able to do it Saturday with Masie because of her arm. Her arm is still the same but her instructor has paired her with a black belt older boy who helps teach the younger ones and he knows to be gentle.
A little update- Taylor went down to the hospital today because she can not straighten her arm. I was very worried as was everyone else, she is still in a lot of pain when she attempts to get the arm straight. Her arm is just very stiff and got its self stuck into the cast position, so with some exercise we should get her full motion back. If she is still like it in 3 weeks then they will start to worry. I hope it doesn't come to that.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Today I set up my studio (slide, chair, and 2 two sheets,lol) and took the girls portraits. I was very happy with them, the girls were in great moods and we had a lot of fun. If there is one thing I have learnt, you cant do a shoot if you (the photographer) is grumpy. I was going to do it yesterday but I was very grumpy and so were the kids so I waited.
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