Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day Rocked

We had the most fabulous Christmas, although poor Hailey got sick in the night and had us up for quite a few hours she still manged to enjoy her morning. She is showing signs of a UTI, we are going to get her checked out asap but pray that its not. Anyway, Masie was sent back to bed three times and at 7am we allowed her in. They were all so excited and sat on our bed and riped through their stockings. Into the living room we went and opened a few gifts, breakfast was a must but was done quickly (I felt slightly rushed,lol)

We opened the rest of the presents throughout the morning. We all got so many lovely gifts, and boy did we have a good time.

Pablo is hilarious, we were distracted with our "toys" and we look up as Pablo is digging under the tree, he pulls out his present and takes off. He rips open the paper and enjoys his busy bone. Love that boy.

We spoke to Nanny, Grandad and Nanny Barker on Skype. We saved their gifts and the girls opened them on camera and then they were just chatting away about their presents. Taylor does a few magic tricks and had everyone in awe.

Then Hailey was down for the rest of the day:( Well until about 9pm when we heard the Karaoke machine playing and her singing, the meds started kicking in). The girls spoke to Grandma on the phone and then played with their new toys.

This was Masie's toy but Chris was checking it out.

Santa put hair dye in my stocking so I thought I would give it a shot, you know be wild and try something new. So now I have Red hair and I love it!!!

A brilliant Christmas!


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous day i love the hair dye and especially the picture with chris dancing! Merry christmas xx

  2. Maxine is hitting on your husband. I love your hair! Now you can just keep trying little things. Like you should go a real light brown like the color of your eyebrows. I bet you would be hot as a brunette. :-)
