Friday, December 2, 2011

Key Board Lesson

Hailey loves to use the computer, she is getting the hang of the mouse and the other day she wanted to use the key board. I asked her why and she said she wanted to email her Nanny. She did amazing at recognizing letters that I told her to press. Everything typed below was written by Hailey I just told her how to spell it.

hiiii nannnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy

grandad izss silly

bbats arre scarrrry

welllllllly is big

santa tollllllllld eddieee he was naughty

love hailey

awe c mffg,cc;c;t[pt .rf vcottttrfffffffffffr3e,o4344aZazXSY4HaaKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAASHHH


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