Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bye Bye Second Grade
Masie is off to 3rd grade next year, that's a crazy thought, not that she isn't ready because she totally is but she is my BABY!!! She will be down the 'big kid' hallway, she is a little nervous but excited too. She has had a fabulous year in 2nd grade, Ms Miller is awesome and we just love her, we hope this isn't goodbye as she is going to 1st grade next year and we have asked for her for Taylor, fingers crossed. She pulled Masies reading up dramatically and now she has such a love for reading, that itself is a great gift.
Yes she is in Jammie's but it was pj day not me being lazy,lol. She got a few awards, Ms Miller, like everyone else loves her writing, she has a real talent. I would love to write her story on here about her crush but I'm not sure she will let me, ill ask.
Monday, May 30, 2011
What Does it Mean?
So Chris left for a TDY today and seriously things have just come untied. I find that the dogs have peed up my freaking curtain!!!!!!!! I find blue marker scribbled in a big patch on my white carpet, only to find out that it wasn't the three year old it was Taylor!! What the hell, Taylor!! I was so mad I had to take her pillow pet to make her just as upset as me and I had to leave to find an appropriate punishment. To top it off I was cleaning out my closet and lifted a heavy (for me) trunk up over my head onto the top shelf (yeah, not my brightest idea). Anyway, I'm pretty sure I have sprained my wrist, I'm in a lot of pain and wearing a splint for support and hope it heals quickly!!! I said to the kids this weekend that I would take them to the pool Tuesday, but with my hand I said we will see how it feels. They were mad at me!! Seriously, I can understand disappointment but being mad at me, wow, what happened to my lovely kids?? If you have them please return them, I miss them dearly!!!! Don't get me started on Hailey's tantrums, that's a whole other post!!
So does this mean I am the weaker parent and they know that Daddy is gone so can get away with more? Did the dogs know or was that a coincidence?? Oh boy, the excitements starts when he leaves, every time!!!!
I feel better now, I'm off for a bath then will snuggle up with my Kindle!! Goodnight!
So does this mean I am the weaker parent and they know that Daddy is gone so can get away with more? Did the dogs know or was that a coincidence?? Oh boy, the excitements starts when he leaves, every time!!!!
I feel better now, I'm off for a bath then will snuggle up with my Kindle!! Goodnight!
Taylor Graduates Kindergarten
Thursday the 26Th of May sweet little Taylor graduated from her Kindergarten class. As sad as it was to watch her take this huge step to the next level I could only feel proud. Over the last 9 months she has come so far and is a really smart kid. Her reading is phenomenal and her writing, spelling and everything else she does is just fantastic.
Mrs Tade is very much loved, she is amazing!! I think she will be in a different grade when Hailey starts so we are very sad about that:( 

Taylor and her best friend Payton
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Foto Friday- New Mexico
Apparently I cant schedule my post for tomorrow as my computer is being weird, so here it is:-)
A tough week for sure but here is a little piece of New Mexico.
Friday- These are located around the state, ours usually say high or extreme. Its so dry that they are starting to close down trails and banning camp fires etc.
Saturday- The road runner bird is New Mexico's state bird. I see them all the time but of course when I want to take a picture I don't see ANY, so this one made out of scrap metal will have to do.
Sunday- The NM space museum
Monday- We do get gorgeous looking cactus plants everywhere, they are very pretty.
Tuesday- I didn't take this one this week but this is the classic bug we find here. They are not harmful really, just ugly and scary looking. They spray vinegar at you as a defence, they eat scorpions. They are vinegaroons.
A tough week for sure but here is a little piece of New Mexico.
Friday- These are located around the state, ours usually say high or extreme. Its so dry that they are starting to close down trails and banning camp fires etc.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Book Review- The Hunger Games
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
If I could give this book 10 stars I would, a five just doesnt cut it. It is without a doubt the best book I have ever read. Ive never stayed up so late stuck in a story, I have nearly been late picking my kids up from school because OMG every single step of this book had me excited, sad, scared, wondering, happy, disgusted, every emotion went through me and I wouldnt change a second.
I have seen the book many times and thought that I would never read a book like this, then I read some reviews and people were saying the same things, my sister in law is reading them and loves them so I thought I would give them ago and Im so glad I did!!!
View all my reviews
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Book Review- Whats the Matter with Mommy?
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Confession, I didnt actually "read" this book, my Kindle read it to me. I actually dont usually like this as I love to read, and the Kindle voices are just weird with no emotion. BUT this was a book that you could do it with (I listen in the car or doing dishes etc), its a very funny book of a stay at home Mom that was forced to stay at home with her kids. The stories were so funny because they are very true, and I laughed out loud more than a few times. I gave it a 4 and not a 5 as towards the end I started losing interest and couldnt wait to finish.
View all my reviews
Monday, May 23, 2011
Book Review-Junie B Jones, Dumb Bunny
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Such a fun book, another classic Junie B Jones book. We just love it!!
View all my reviews
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What Did We Just Do
The story begins like this, Taylor wanted to get her ears pierced, so we went to the mall yesterday but decided to come back today when they had two members of staff. She got really nervous last night and asked if I would get it mine done too, I agreed to make my baby happy but I was thinking "oh god, I'm going to be a girl". Masie then decides she wants to try one last time and wants to join us.
So this afternoon Taylor, Masie and I got to the mall and fill out all the paper work. Taylor decides to go first so Masie sits outside so she doesn't here Taylor scream. Taylor gets in the chair and FREAKS OUT, saying she doesn't want it done now. So the lady says Ill do your Mommy first, so she looks at my ears and ask if I have had them pieced before. I said yes but I haven't worn earrings for 20 years or more so they need to be re done. She looks at me and says she is pretty sure they are still open. To my complete shock an earring went through both ears as easy as 20 years ago.
Taylor then is calm and wants to have hers done. They do them at the same time and its over in seconds, about a minute after she starts to cry but soon is just fine. Then it was Masies turn, OMG what a drama!! She screamed and kicked before she even got in the chair. I told her she didn't need to do it and she was adamant she wanted it but just nervous. So back in the chair, screams, kicks, jumps out, repeat this in your head for 45 minutes and then Masie finally lets them do it, she didn't even say owe and started giggling after. Seriously, only Masie.
We go home and Hailey gets all excited and wants hers done, I don't think this would be a good idea for Hailey but then realize she doesn't know how its done. So back to the mall we go, she was so smiley, the ladies just loved her. She sat in the chair, held the teddy they pierced her ears and viola. I should have recorded it but I thought she would be really upset and that would have been mean. She was fabulous, she didn't even cry, nothing!! She looked at the ladies like "what the F*** did you just do" for a second and then was back to smiling.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Faith and Tink- How it all Began
Field Trip
Masie's class had their last field trip on Friday, its such a shame as the one they had planned was cancelled due to the extreme dryness. They were meant to be hiking in Cloud Croft, but they went to the park and played games all day and had a picnic lunch. I was happy as I was able to go a be with her for a few hours with the daycare kids, everything was well organised and ran smoothly. I loved being there.

New Mexico Wins
Damn it!! Well I guess I need to get my thinking head on. I'm a little excited about it which is a good thing, I'm hoping not to show you pictures of dead grass, dead flowers, dead trees, cockroaches you get the picture,lol.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Foto Friday- Creative Pictures of Hands
It sure is amazing what you come up with when you really think about it, cant to these challenges too often as they make my little brain hurt.
Friday- We went to the zoo and on the way out I found this beautiful bush with these lovely yellow flowers, before anyone noticed I quickly grabbed a few and ran to the car. Hailey was up for being my first hand model.
Saturday- I realize that this is not just hands, but come on how cute is it!?
Sunday- Taylor's lovely 6 year old hands finishing her last reading sheet for Kindergarten. For every 15 minutes she reads she has to color in one petal.
Monday- OK this is the most amazing picture in the world. Faith is holding a SNAKE. Faith hates snakes and in the 3 years I have known her she wont even be in the same room as one so holding one, out of the question. BUT, I told her I had a challenge for her and she would be featured in my Foto Friday. She took me up on the challenge but I didn't think she would go through with it when I got Tink out she screamed and ran. (I will do a post on the snake and Faith soon) So little by little she got closer and touched it for the first time, she loosened up a little and closed her eyes while I put the snake in her hands. All of a sudden she is in love!! Seriously, and now she holds her almost everyday and is looking into getting a snake herself. Thank you Faith you are the BEST!!!
Tuesday- This is my new favourite picture, just how cute is Pablo's paw on my hand? Just love it, I had to give him so many treats to get this shot so I hope you're happy. I love my puppy.
Wednesday- Lovely Levi holding his cute little Tootsie, love baby feet!!!
Thursday- During our mud session I got Mason and Hailey to hold hands while they were covered in mud, so adorable. These two little people make me smile every day.
Challenge complete!! On to the next, which I'm not to thrilled about but we will see what I come up with. I was really hoping that New Mexico wasn't selected (yes I know I made the poll, shhh) I really have not got one Idea yet. I'm very negative towards NM right now so hopefully this can make me like it again, or hate it worse. Lets see shall we.
Friday- We went to the zoo and on the way out I found this beautiful bush with these lovely yellow flowers, before anyone noticed I quickly grabbed a few and ran to the car. Hailey was up for being my first hand model.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Master Sergeant Christopher Dorcheus
A big huge congratulations to my lovely husband and great Daddy. He studied hard, then studied some more. Yesterday he got a call from the Major Congratulating him on his promotion, he was stunned and very happy. I told him he needed to be careful as his cheeks would get cramp from all that smiling. He went in today and got his results from his test and he blew it out of the water scoring higher than 98.9% of all 20,000 that tested!! He is one of the last people to sew on though as he made rank so quickly, this sucks as he wont get his stripe until July of next year!!

I told the girls when they woke up this morning and they were happy for him, I wish he could have seen their faces when I told them. I got this email today from Masie's teacher and it was so thoughtful for her to share and it just made mine and Chris's day:
Had to share!
This afternoon I heard Masie talking with another student and she was so excited. She said 'Is your dad in the military?' He said 'My grandpa is' and she said 'Is he a master sergeant?' and He said 'yes' (he probably doesn't know if he is) She was so excited and said 'My dad is, today was his first day, it was such a big success and accomplishment, he had to take a big test and study 10 books, I'm so proud of him!' Awwww
So congrats to him and your family! And let him know just how excited and proud she is of him!!

Had to share!
This afternoon I heard Masie talking with another student and she was so excited. She said 'Is your dad in the military?' He said 'My grandpa is' and she said 'Is he a master sergeant?' and He said 'yes' (he probably doesn't know if he is) She was so excited and said 'My dad is, today was his first day, it was such a big success and accomplishment, he had to take a big test and study 10 books, I'm so proud of him!' Awwww
So congrats to him and your family! And let him know just how excited and proud she is of him!!
I Think They Put Something in My Tea
What was I thinking?? Not quite sure but boy oh boy was it fun!! It was a lovely cool (cool being 82 degrees) day so I decided to let the kids paint outside, just changing where they usually do something seemed to make them crazy. They were so excited and made some lovely art work for their Mummy's.
I was too lazy to clean them up so I filled the water table up so they could play and clean at the same time, talk about genius. Well until I laid the hose on the grass for just a minute and it started making a puddle, light bulb went off and the kid inside me came out. Lets play in the mud!! So I let the water run for a few more minutes and then the kids had a blast.

There was no way I was being the 'grown up' I was in that puddle before all the kids. Feeling the mud and water on my feet was the best feeling, no wonder the kids love it so much. Highly recommended for those stressed out days.
I challenge you to be a child!!
I challenge you to be a child!!
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