Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Day Rocked
We had the most fabulous Christmas, although poor Hailey got sick in the night and had us up for quite a few hours she still manged to enjoy her morning. She is showing signs of a UTI, we are going to get her checked out asap but pray that its not. Anyway, Masie was sent back to bed three times and at 7am we allowed her in. They were all so excited and sat on our bed and riped through their stockings.

Into the living room we went and opened a few gifts, breakfast was a must but was done quickly (I felt slightly rushed,lol)
We opened the rest of the presents throughout the morning. We all got so many lovely gifts, and boy did we have a good time.

Pablo is hilarious, we were distracted with our "toys" and we look up as Pablo is digging under the tree, he pulls out his present and takes off. He rips open the paper and enjoys his busy bone. Love that boy.
We spoke to Nanny, Grandad and Nanny Barker on Skype. We saved their gifts and the girls opened them on camera and then they were just chatting away about their presents. Taylor does a few magic tricks and had everyone in awe.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve
Santa came!!! Spoilt again, oh well you only live once:-)
The girls were in Jammie's at 4pm!!!! Finally they got to go to bed.

Every year Chris and I do our stockings on Christmas Eve, it is sooo much fun. We look forward to it, when the kids are in bed and Santa has been we dive into our stockings. We had the best laugh tonight especially eating Harry Potter Jelly Beans (oh god the thought of it made me vomit in my mouth) Yuck, disgusting, laughing out loud fun.
Goodbye to Eddie, we will miss you. As Santa is getting far too many Elves being adopted by families he has to be strict on the rule of them leaving with Santa on Christmas Eve,
Taylor was hilarious, she held him so softly and looked at him and said "does he have arms" she touched his arm and almost threw him with the most disgusted face like wtf he doesn't,lol. We had the best laugh.
My alternative to having pie tomorrow. Healthier and very tasty.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Getting Close
Its so close to Christmas and we are all excited.
Here are a few Eddie pictures. Masie said he looked different up close but I informed her that as he has been really naughty and got his uniform all dirty he was sent to the salon. He got a new uniform, a nice tan and all over fresher.

Chris got this cool picture of Boots yawning.
Here are a few Eddie pictures. Masie said he looked different up close but I informed her that as he has been really naughty and got his uniform all dirty he was sent to the salon. He got a new uniform, a nice tan and all over fresher.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Goodnight Puppies
Today was an extremely sad day, we said goodbye to Tyran. A piece of my heart went with these two babies, they were a huge part of our lives for such a long time. As I want to keep this happy I will fill you in on a few Tyran-isms
I LOVED this about Tyran, when he was younger he would take a run and jump into your arms for a hug.

My "Brother and Sister"
I'm so glad that these were our puppies, we have had the best 15 years of enjoyment with them. I cant believe they are really gone, it seems un real, my heart goes to my Mum and Dad, this is a terrible time for them. I want them to know that they are wonderful and gave those dogs everything they could wish for. They are free from their old bodies now and are together forever!!
- He would lay on his back and twist and turn making the funnest sound
- At 5pm he would bark and bark until you fed him
- When my Nanny looked after him he would con her into giving him extra toothbrush treats
- When you say "get him" he would pretend he is mad and act like he was going to attack you. (scared the crap out of Chris more than once)
- He once went for a cat and got beat up (by the cat)
- When I first brought Rex into Mum and dads house Tyran was so scared he jumped on my lap. Dad came down the stairs and laughed so loud.
- He would sneak into the kitchen and eat everything that was left out.
Baby Puppies as sweet as can beRob Hanging Tyran on the washing line

Gone but never forgotten Tyran Baby and Susie Booze I will love you forever and always.
Catching Up
I feel like I have a bunch of catching up to do, I have come across some random cool pictures and as its Christmas ill give them to you all at once.
Hailey's school invited us to see Santa, he was a great Santa and the kids had a blast! Here is Hailey telling everyone that she wants a giant spider that climbs up my leg!!
First baby ever not to scream when on Santa's lap.
How cool is this craft! I'm well impressed with it and the kids had so much fun. Remind me never to buy glitter again, what was I thinking.
Rexy Roo Roo cuddled up in our bed, shhh don't tell Chris.
Masie and Taylor had their Christmas program last week and I managed to snap this adorable picture in Taylor's class before they went on stage.
Winter Wonderland!!
Chris and I finished our annual puzzle, it is now framed and on the wall.
Hailey!!!!!!!!! Don't worry its non alcoholic.
Eddie!!!!! Really???? You dyed their hair!!!!! I'm so mad at you little elf!!!!!!!!!!
Update on Hailey's school. Hailey has officially out smarted a school, she has been dis enrolled for being too good. I am extremely upset about this as I don't feel she is at standard yet with her speech, but I guess they called the state in to test her and she past the test. They kept telling me how smart she was and way above the other children, but its not about that its about her speech. But there was nothing I could say or do, I said my piece and then told them how much they have done for Hailey and I love the school. Then Mrs Carr stepped in and offered Hailey the role model space in her class!! I was floored, I'm so proud of her, she deserves this space! She has gone from one extreme to another!
Hailey's school invited us to see Santa, he was a great Santa and the kids had a blast! Here is Hailey telling everyone that she wants a giant spider that climbs up my leg!!
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