Sunday, June 12, 2011

Swimming + A Very Brave Girl

We had a great time in the pool today, it was lovely having Grandad there with us. Hailey wanted nothing to do with me at all. It has been so hot so this was a very refreshing afternoon. Masie wanted to try out the diving boards, these have interested her for a few weeks now and she has always backed out one way or another. Today was the day!! She did it!! I'm so proud of her, it took a little encouragement and the life guards were great, once she had done it she was so happy. She went again and again. I'm trying to upload a video but its really being annoying, its a cute video so I hope to get it uploaded soon. After her several jumps she decided to go on the big board, which I didn't get on camera because she needed me in the pool with her. She was up there so long that the whole pool practically was cheering her on, it was a great atmosphere. It went on f.o.r.e.v.e.r, in the end she said she couldn't do it but because of safety reasons she was only allowed down by jumping in. She stood up there and cried, but she got it together and focused and about what felt like 20 minutes later............... she jumped.

Fun Day!!!


  1. well done Masie, I see grandad did'nt come up with you, i bet he was to scared, xxx i can't wait to see you all xx

  2. That looks like FUN!!! :-) I want to come to your house and live forever, where it is warm/HOT. Good job Girls!!!

  3. I think i'm with Kristi here i want to come and live at your house forever too. It looks fantastic its great to be able to do all that outside while its lovely and warm, it is so cold and rainy here at the moment! xx
