Sunday, June 19, 2011

My 30th Birthday

I was totally freaking out about this birthday, for weeks now I have been dreading it. The thought of crossing over to the thirty's was giving me major anxiety. I liked the twenty's they were fun and I was still classed as young, BUT, you know what? I'm so fine with it now, I did add a year to the twenty's and said I turned twenty ten but I'm OK with being thirty now. I feel the same as I did when I was 29, so Happy Birthday to me!!! Chris being TDY was tough but my Dad was here and him and my lovely girls gave me the best day ever. I was on the web cam with Chris so he could be apart of our morning.

I got some really lovely gifts and felt loved all day long, my sister in law and gorgeous niece and Nephews called and sang Happy birthday just as my Sister did. It was lovely!!!!

Union Jack Kindle skin and pillows made my day, its my very favourite flag.

My Dad took me to the movies with the girls to see "Mr Poppers Penguins" which was really funny, a great movie and great company. Later in the evening we went to a Mexican restaurant which was fabulous, absolutely delicious.

It was a real warm day as always here in Alamogordo, not my favourite weather but I can handle it.

I got a card full of '30' confetti, so I let the girls throw it all over me.

Last but not least, please meet "Peach Tea" he was my birthday present from Sonya, Faith, Ian and Connor. I was surprised to say the least, I LOVE him.

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

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