Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making Memories

Tonight a lot of new memories were made and I have to blog it to remember the details... So I’m feeding the lizard and I have the crickets out and I guess one jumped out, my brother was like "Kerry, there is one on your shoulder" yeah right I thought but I scooch closer to Sam to freak her out anyway, and the thing jumped off. Rob says, "It’s on the floor". So I walk to pick it up and out of nowhere Sam comes up behind me at 100 miles an hour and jumps on it and kills it. We all just crack up; while I’m yelling "I paid for that, you killed my food" we nearly died laughing.

Then everyone goes to bed and me and my brother are left and I accidently throw an ice cube at him, this started a war and ice and water was splashed everywhere. Then we here Mum and Dad laughing in the bedroom....EEEEEWWWWWW so Rob grabs an ice cube and breaks them up, they start giggling and send us out. We told them to make sure the kids are in bed before they do stuff like that, we are traumatized. Just as I think my night is over, Rob whips me with a tea towel!! I grab the nearest thing which was a swimsuit and we beat the crap out of each other. He grabs my weapon so I whack his arm and leaves a nice print, he went all light headed and sick and I laughed so hard, but I felt guilty so I went over to him and that’s where he attacked me!! Finger whipped me right on my arm, shortly after that we went to bed a little sore but smiling.


  1. Oh dear. Your Mum's room will never be the same. Reserve Masie's room for me next time we come down...LoL

    PS: I absolutely HATE it when I accidentally throw ice at people and even worse when I accidentally dump cold water on people...

  2. Where would the fun be in reversing the rooms?

    Memories like that are great. They will be things you remember when you are old & grey & we are rocking in our chairs together having a nice cup of tea & Chris is out back looking for something, but he can't remember what. :)
