Tonight a lot of new memories were made and I have to blog it to remember the details... So I’m feeding the lizard and I have the crickets out and I guess one jumped out, my brother was like "Kerry, there is one on your shoulder" yeah right I thought but I scooch closer to Sam to freak her out anyway, and the thing jumped off. Rob says, "It’s on the floor". So I walk to pick it up and out of nowhere Sam comes up behind me at 100 miles an hour and jumps on it and kills it. We all just crack up; while I’m yelling "I paid for that, you killed my food" we nearly died laughing.
Then everyone goes to bed and me and my brother are left and I accidently throw an ice cube at him, this started a war and ice and water was splashed everywhere. Then we here Mum and Dad laughing in the bedroom....EEEEEWWWWWW so Rob grabs an ice cube and breaks them up, they start giggling and send us out. We told them to make sure the kids are in bed before they do stuff like that, we are traumatized. Just as I think my night is over, Rob whips me with a tea towel!! I grab the nearest thing which was a swimsuit and we beat the crap out of each other. He grabs my weapon so I whack his arm and leaves a nice print, he went all light headed and sick and I laughed so hard, but I felt guilty so I went over to him and that’s where he attacked me!! Finger whipped me right on my arm, shortly after that we went to bed a little sore but smiling.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The beginning
The beginning was great, a long wait but it was brilliant. The girls and I waited outside when we knew they were close, yes Hailey is in snow boots.
Everyone was tired but extremely happy to be here, poor little Maddie was very upset. It didn't take her too long to come around and start playing with her cousins. She is attached to Taylor at all time, its too cute.
Rob was happy to see his dog again and Pablo was over the moon.
Don't you just LOVE her, beautiful baby.

Masie and her Nanny, finally together again
Hailey a few months ago asked Nanny to get her a present, she was very specific and wanted a green teddy bear. Nanny's favourite color is green too so we took on the challenge to get them a green Teddy bear each. It was a challenge, who would know that it was that hard to find one. BUT, we managed it.
No Hugs for Grandad
Well until Nanny arrives of course. Masie made a promise to Nanny that she wouldn't hug Grandad until she had one first, so after 2 weeks Grandad got desperate and tried to force her. Masie is freakishly strong and he didn't get too far. The first picture is lovely but notice Masie is not hugging him, this was her compromise.

I'm going to do a few posts and schedule them for different times as I don't think I will have time to post again for a while as we are planning some pretty cool stuff. Oh and my Dad must be going through a midlife crisis or something because............ Actually I don't want to say, it would be a nice surprise right????? Don't swear at me, ill tell you really, I HATE it when people do that on blogs, I am NOT a patient woman and neither are a few of my readers,lol. SO, my Dad is going to a Tattoo!!!! Seriously, no joke, he is booked in for tomorrow. Its not a tiny thing either. I will be posting that.
The End of the Road
I interrupt this break in the blog with some fabulous news, MASIE IS FIXED!!!!!! No more bladder surgery for this little lady. The doctor was very happy with the results and has taken her off the antibiotics, so fingers crossed that no urine infection comes. After three months she will go back to check her urine and blood pressure and if that goes well she will have her final appointment in a year. She got her wish and Nanny came with us to the appointment, Nanny and I both teared up when we got the news.
After an extremely long and bumpy road, this journey is finally over. I cant be more happy for my little girl. This all started when she was around a year old, we've had pain, tears, tantrums, doctors, medicines, bad doctors, and failed surgery's so this gorgeous young lady deserved some good news today.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Book review- Twilight
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My second time reading the Twilight Saga and if possible Im enjoying it even more. This book fills you in on all the background knowledge that you need to know, Stephenie does it in such a way that you feel like you are right there in the book. I love the whole Edward and Bella love story, its exciting, scary and you just cant get enough. Fabulous!!!
View all my reviews
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Independent and a broken Penguin
Little Miss Hailey is at that really independent stage, even in the pool. But she cant swim, and I have shown her many times if I let go, she will go under. I have been searching for a swimsuit like Taylor's with the floats but I couldn't find one which the base pool will accept. It has to have a US coast guard approval number, but I could only find ones that says 'made in China'. We come across this life jacket which is approved and Hailey L.O.V.E.S it.
It works perfectly and she had a blast swimming her little heart out.
Grandad is the best toy in the water, well until Nanny arrives of course.
Masie was devastated the other day, this is her penguin that she got after her surgery and she adores it and carries it everywhere. Her friend threw it up in the air and it smashed its eye on the concrete, it popped out of the socket but didn't crack, we didn't have any glue so Grandad fixed it temporarily.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Seriously?? Hmmm, Apparently
So apparently 'The People of Walmart' are getting worse, doing crazier things, wearing more ridiculous outfits and now verbally attacking a mother with 4 kids by her side.
So my Dad and I are shopping minding our own business and I see these really cute kid chairs for July 4th. They had no price so my Dad went around the corner to price check it, the second he is out of sight an older man and his wife I presume walks passed me. I hear the man say quietly but loud enough for me to hear "Get the Fu*k out of the way" Shocked but not letting him get away with this behaviour I shout "Excuse Me!!?? After a few seconds he decides to turn around and says "Yeah, I said get the fuck out of my way" OMG I just couldn't believe someone could be this rude and disrespectful especially when I wasn't even in his way, but apparently me standing still annoyed him. So I reply "who the hell do you think you think you are talking to me like that!!??" He said "who the hell do you think you are standing in peoples way?" I said "the word excuse me works better and you should be ashamed of yourself behaving this way in front of children. His wife the drags him off and I'm left with a crying Masie and a shocked Taylor, the other two didn't know what was going on.
I was absolutely fuming, Ive never been spoken to like that before and there was no need for it whats so ever. I'm glad I stood up for myself as I would normally walk away from a situation like this and be angry at myself later. I hope he goes to bed tonight and punishes himself for what he did to us today
After giving him way too much of my time and energy I suddenly thought "I have no room in my happy life for grumpy and unpleasant people". My one wish would have been for my brother to have been listening behind him,lol. That would have been fun to watch, nobody picks on his Sisters!!!!!
So my Dad and I are shopping minding our own business and I see these really cute kid chairs for July 4th. They had no price so my Dad went around the corner to price check it, the second he is out of sight an older man and his wife I presume walks passed me. I hear the man say quietly but loud enough for me to hear "Get the Fu*k out of the way" Shocked but not letting him get away with this behaviour I shout "Excuse Me!!?? After a few seconds he decides to turn around and says "Yeah, I said get the fuck out of my way" OMG I just couldn't believe someone could be this rude and disrespectful especially when I wasn't even in his way, but apparently me standing still annoyed him. So I reply "who the hell do you think you think you are talking to me like that!!??" He said "who the hell do you think you are standing in peoples way?" I said "the word excuse me works better and you should be ashamed of yourself behaving this way in front of children. His wife the drags him off and I'm left with a crying Masie and a shocked Taylor, the other two didn't know what was going on.
I was absolutely fuming, Ive never been spoken to like that before and there was no need for it whats so ever. I'm glad I stood up for myself as I would normally walk away from a situation like this and be angry at myself later. I hope he goes to bed tonight and punishes himself for what he did to us today
After giving him way too much of my time and energy I suddenly thought "I have no room in my happy life for grumpy and unpleasant people". My one wish would have been for my brother to have been listening behind him,lol. That would have been fun to watch, nobody picks on his Sisters!!!!!
A Broken Heart
We had an issue this morning that I didn't think I would have to deal with for at least 15 years or so, it was almost comical but was very serious to them. Here's how it went:
Masie- Mommy, Mason just asked me to marry him.
Me- What? Mason get over here (jokingly)
Mason- *big smiles*
Me- Is this true?
Mason- Yes
Taylor- screaming a sad scream "But he asked me last week to marry him"
Mason- looks like he is going to cry because he is 4 and didn't mean to make anyone upset.
Me- Mason, its OK baby, go and play.
Me- "Taylor he is just a baby sweetheart"
Taylor- "yeah but he promised to marry me"
Me- "Well next week, he will say he will marry you"
Taylor- "But he cant marry both of us!!!!"
So I took her in her room and cuddled her until she started talking to me, I told her that we were going swimming this afternoon so that would be fun. She said she would be too sad to swim because Mason broke her heart. So I call Mason in and tell him to give Taylor a huge hug which he gladly did and this made her cheer up. I told them all I didn't want to hear the words 'marry or marriage' for a very long time. They agreed and got on with there day.
**This was posted today but written a few days ago, oops I guess I forgot to hit publish**
Masie- Mommy, Mason just asked me to marry him.
Me- What? Mason get over here (jokingly)
Mason- *big smiles*
Me- Is this true?
Mason- Yes
Taylor- screaming a sad scream "But he asked me last week to marry him"
Mason- looks like he is going to cry because he is 4 and didn't mean to make anyone upset.
Me- Mason, its OK baby, go and play.
Me- "Taylor he is just a baby sweetheart"
Taylor- "yeah but he promised to marry me"
Me- "Well next week, he will say he will marry you"
Taylor- "But he cant marry both of us!!!!"
So I took her in her room and cuddled her until she started talking to me, I told her that we were going swimming this afternoon so that would be fun. She said she would be too sad to swim because Mason broke her heart. So I call Mason in and tell him to give Taylor a huge hug which he gladly did and this made her cheer up. I told them all I didn't want to hear the words 'marry or marriage' for a very long time. They agreed and got on with there day.
**This was posted today but written a few days ago, oops I guess I forgot to hit publish**
Monday, June 20, 2011
Time Out
Grandad was sent to time out tonight, although Taylor tried to protect him, Masie and Hailey took great pleasure taking him to the time out spot. I was reading bedtime stories and Grandad kept talking and whispering to Taylor, I warned him to stop and told him how we behave at story time. He continued to miss behave so he got punished, Masie thought he should stay there for 52 minutes but we decided that he learnt his lesson after a few minutes.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
My 30th Birthday
I was totally freaking out about this birthday, for weeks now I have been dreading it. The thought of crossing over to the thirty's was giving me major anxiety. I liked the twenty's they were fun and I was still classed as young, BUT, you know what? I'm so fine with it now, I did add a year to the twenty's and said I turned twenty ten but I'm OK with being thirty now. I feel the same as I did when I was 29, so Happy Birthday to me!!!
Chris being TDY was tough but my Dad was here and him and my lovely girls gave me the best day ever. I was on the web cam with Chris so he could be apart of our morning.
I got some really lovely gifts and felt loved all day long, my sister in law and gorgeous niece and Nephews called and sang Happy birthday just as my Sister did. It was lovely!!!!
Union Jack Kindle skin and pillows made my day, its my very favourite flag.
My Dad took me to the movies with the girls to see "Mr Poppers Penguins" which was really funny, a great movie and great company. Later in the evening we went to a Mexican restaurant which was fabulous, absolutely delicious.
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Foto Friday
Sorry I do not have a post for Foto Friday, and probably wont have for the next few weeks. Too many fun things happening, I will be blogging just not Foto Fridays for a Little while. I know you are shocked and heart broken but with time your pain will heal,lol.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Dads Birthday
Dad got to celebrate his birthday with us this year, we gave him a lovely day and he had the best time. We started the day with a full cooked breakfast fit for a king, and washed down with cards and presents.
We had no choice on when to do the cake as Hailey went and got it from the fridge and said "lets eat cake".
I accidentally picked up magic candles, it was very fun and Grandad had to call in reinforcements.
We took him out for dinner at Chilli's, we had a lovely meal and Dad enjoyed his first but not last Chocolate Molten Lava Cake, he LOVED it and finished every last bite.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Book Review
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I enjoyed this book but not as much as the first two, I would have been happy for the second one to finish a different way and there be no 3rd book. I really missed the relationship between Peeta and Katniss it was such a big part of the first two books and I really dont like change and this made me sad,lol.
I have really enjoyed these books and I would recomend them to anyone that likes a fast moving and exciting read!!
View all my reviews
Swimming + A Very Brave Girl
We had a great time in the pool today, it was lovely having Grandad there with us. Hailey wanted nothing to do with me at all. It has been so hot so this was a very refreshing afternoon.
Masie wanted to try out the diving boards, these have interested her for a few weeks now and she has always backed out one way or another. Today was the day!! She did it!! I'm so proud of her, it took a little encouragement and the life guards were great, once she had done it she was so happy. She went again and again. I'm trying to upload a video but its really being annoying, its a cute video so I hope to get it uploaded soon.

After her several jumps she decided to go on the big board, which I didn't get on camera because she needed me in the pool with her. She was up there so long that the whole pool practically was cheering her on, it was a great atmosphere. It went on f.o.r.e.v.e.r, in the end she said she couldn't do it but because of safety reasons she was only allowed down by jumping in. She stood up there and cried, but she got it together and focused and about what felt like 20 minutes later............... she jumped.
Fun Day!!!
Fun Day!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Foto Friday
So this week has been one of those weeks that I would like to start again, I wasn't going to do a Foto Friday as I didn't have pictures everyday but I didn't want to ruin your weekend,lol. So I have put together 7 pictures but will label them picture 1-picture 7.
Picture 1- we have tink and her skin, pretty weird but kind of cool.
Picture 2- Masie's little hand after her surgery, my poor baby. She is 100% better now.
Picture 3- My birthday present from Rachel and Mason, its fabulous!! Its an Areo Garden, I have herbs in there right now, im excited to actually grow something edible.
Picture 4- My parents RULE!! My Mum sent my Dad over with a load of all my English favourites, this is not all of it either. Oh my mouth just waters looking at it all.
Picture 5- Waiting for Grandad at the Airport.
Picture 1- we have tink and her skin, pretty weird but kind of cool.
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