First I had Hailey's and Mrs Carr said she is fabulous, she said something in her has switched and she talks and talks all day. She is one of the more vocal kids in her speech therapy class and answers all the questions in circle time. She is at a 3yr old level on most things but there are a few areas where she is still sitting at a 2.5yr old but she is not worried about this. Hailey still has social issues and doesn't mix too well with the other kids and would much rather play on her own or be with the grown ups. They are encouraging her to play with children at recess and not allowing her to stand with the adults and it seems to be working. Over all they are very impressed with Hailey's improvements over the last few months.
Next was Masie's, the first two graphs are hers. Ms Miller is very impressed with her, her reading and writing skills have blossomed and she loves that she puts so much detail into her stories. She is still very strong in Math and whizzes through the exercises. I asked about her spelling test and she got 100%!!!!! She is just so smart and when she puts her mind to something she can pull anything off. The words were:
- Lampshade
- Infrequent
- Contrast
- Comprehend
- Ostrich
- Pilgrim
- Subtract
- Hundred
- Explode (Yes I will be spell checking these so I don't embarrass myself,lol)
Ms Miller is very proud of her and so am I. One more thing, they get given a short story and have to read 90 (before they leave 2ND grade) words in one minute and comprehend what they have just read and answer questions. At the beginning of the year Masie got 26 words, last weeks test she got 86, this is a massive improvement.
Taylor was last but not least. I am so over the moon proud of Taylor, she has come so far in a very short amount of time. She is one the top kids in her class and she just blow the tests out of the water. Example- test one was four pictures on each sheet and the teacher said a letter sound and she had to point to the picture that began with that sound, she had to get 15 in one minute to pass the test, Taylor got 36!!!!! All her tests went similar and Mrs Tade couldn't believe it. The first graph shows that she is already above where she needs to be at graduation time. I'm so proud of her and Mrs Tade cant believe how far she has come. One funny little thing about Taylor though, I found out she moved her clip, can you believe it, Taylor moved her clip!! I cant believe the little turd didn't tell me, she started laughing when I told her but she was embarrassed and told me she got the chance to move it back to green so it didn't count.

ReplyDeleteThat is just fantastic! :-) Doesn't it make you feel so good to get great news like that! Good job girls AND good job Mama!!! :-)
ReplyDeletewell done girls we are so very proud of you all. xxx