Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do you know why I love you?

This is what Masie asked me when I put her to bed tonight. She said I had three tries to guess, my guesses were:
  1. Because I'm your Mummy
  2. Because I'm kind
  3. Because I have blond hair

She replied no!! I love you because you are you!!

Talk about warm my heart when I really needed it. I love being a Mummy. I might not get paid but I get to raise three wonderful little girls and give them the best start in life. That is priceless. She made me focus on what was real, and take each day as it comes. Thank you Masie:-)


  1. She is a smart girl. You are a great mum to our girls!

  2. She is a smart girl :-) Very perceptive to know what you needed to hear and when you needed to hear it :-) So I have to ask did it make you tear up? I would have for sure.

  3. Masie you are such a special little girl what a lovely thing to say to your mummy, Thats just what mummy needed to hear, You are one special lady Kerry and we all love you so much xxx

  4. Oh I teared up for sure. It was a great moment. I told her that she was a lovely little girl and I loved her so much.
