Sunday, January 9, 2011

A New Year and a New Me

I have just read a great post over on my sister in laws blog and it inspired me to write my own New Years resolutions. I need goals and here they are, not saying I will keep to them but you have to start somewhere and if I stick to just one or two then Ive done a good job.
  1. Don't be afraid to talk to the people I love about things that are bothering me even if they sound really silly, they listen, they help and they care.

  2. Eat better, cut out the junk (not all but some)

  3. Exercise and lose 16 pounds by the summer, this will bring me to my goal weight and I will be happy.

  4. Read more, I want to start picking up books at night and just chill out.

  5. Have a little more fun, learn to relax and not take life so serious

I thought I would have more than that but I guess not, I will leave it at that and hopefully stick to it. I really need chocolate right now, that's not junk food right?


  1. Good post! Just focus on the goals you have and you will do great! You wouldn't want to have too many and not accomplish any! :-) XOXO

  2. I always do the new yr new me thing but somehow always manage to 'forget' about it by february lol.
    My bucket list however is much more 'reasonable' 'realistic' 'obtainable' lol
