Saturday, January 8, 2011

Girlie Night

Our first girlie night of 2011 was fabulous, just what we all needed. We started at 5pm with pizza and crazy bread and it didn't get over until nearly 10pm so we were all done, completely cooked. Actually Taylor was done about 10 minutes into the movie, one of our favourites 'Despicable Me' very funny. We made our own smoothie which was delicious, we put a tin of pineapple with the juices, peaches, 2 bananas and 2 pears we added ice and whizzed it all up. We enjoyed these delightful chocolates while drinking our refreshments. We had the best time with Daddy on Skype, the girls went hyper and were dancing all over the place trying to make him laugh. We chatted for a while and then said good night.
Masie enjoying the movie with her Bumble Bee pillow pet.
Hailey concentrating hard with PJ's and trainers on, umm, its Hailey.
Taylor enjoying the movie with her Lady Bug pillow pet.
OK now for the BEST part. It makes me smile every time I think about it. We made up a story together and I wrote it down while we were talking. We were giggling the whole time, the girls really enjoyed being creative and silly and want to do another one next week. I think this is a great family bonding moment, I encourage you to all try with your children. Anyway here goes.
The Swamp Monster
Kerry- It was a beautiful day in Madagascar, Mummy, Daddy, Masie, Taylor and Hailey decided to go exploring.
Masie- We went exploring at a gorgeous valley, in the valley was a swamp. We decided to jump in the swamp.
Taylor- When we got in the swamp we saw something moving, we went to see what it was and it was a bear.
Kerry- We all screamed and started swimming back, much to our delight the bear could talk, he said "please don't be scared, come and join me for tea and crumpets", we replied "sure why not".
Masie- At the bears cave we heard something, it sounded like thunder and fireworks, suddenly something whooshed past us. Masie felt something on her foot, she looked down and she saw a face peering up at her, it was a Monster.
Taylor- The monster was friendly and hugged Taylor and kissed her head. He said "join me for lunch and I will give you chocolate eggs.
Hailey- Bur, its, I want bur!! He hurt his leg, eats Elephants and like my teachers.
Kerry- After his large snack of Elephant he wanted to show us his garden, in the garden were the most beautiful trees. One was a money tree and only grew $50 bills, the next tree grew
Masie- Hippos, they were so tiny and ran around the tree and kicked each others butts, the next tree was
Taylor- A Cherry tree, the cherries were large and looked like pillow pets. We ate the cherries and they tasted like strawberry jam, the last tree grew
Hailey- Santa's toilets, the toilets were orange and Santa not sit on it.
Kerry- After and great afternoon we picked some 50's, chased some Hippos and ate some strawberry jam pillow pet shaped cherries and sat on Santa's toilet we decided to say good bye to our new friends bear and Monster Jack from the swamp.


  1. That is so funny. We do that at night for story time but I have never written it down :-) Ours are very bizarre and don't actually make any sense at all. LOL I love it! Good clean family fun just what you needed after a nasty week! :-)

  2. LOL lol very funny it has made dad and I giggle trust Hailey to put a toilet in the story lol, you all have a fantastic imagenation hope thats the right spelling. You sound like you all had a very good girls night in. xxxx

  3. you should do this often and try and get a series of short stories printed(like mr men)and i will be your agent in the uk. we'll both be rich,LOADS OF MONEY
