Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day

For the past few years we have been going to The White Sands on New Years Day, because Chris is leaving in the morning we didn't get to go today. We were not too worried as we went just last week with our lovely visitors and had the best time. We wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It was a gorgeous day, the sand was freezing though and the kids wanted hot chocolate when we got in to warm up. This picture is hilarious, I love Javiens facial expression. He wanted a picture with the girls and he got one, I think he may have regretted it. Actually I think he secretly liked it. Kristi and I with our British flag purses!! We are smoking hot with those cool purses!!!
Nate and Chris were just big kids, I think they had more fun than the kids. We just let our hair down and enjoyed our day together, being a grown up is boring, this way we never have to grow up.
Hold of Nate!! Don't worry he didn't drop him, we all had a great laugh.Kristi and I raced to the bottom, well as you can see Kristi made it 2 feet down, I only made it half way down but I still WON!!! What a laugh we had, I never thought running down a hill full of sand could be so much fun.
The boys tried to see who could jump the highest, um scroll down, I think Nate won this round.
I almost forgot about the kids, they were playing wonderful together while their parents were enjoying the moment. Kobe thought it was great chasing me, I'm sure he was waiting for me to fall as I was going backwards.
LOVE this girl!!!! Seriously could she get any cuter, I think NOT.
Cousins being cousins, I love how comfortable they are with each other.
RUN!! This was meant to be a group picture but as you can see Hailey didn't want anything to do with running down a slippery hill holding hands with five kids, I guess I don't blame her really. She is the smallest and lightest one, she would have gone flying. Still love the photo though.
Hands in the sand, second year in a row!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!


  1. As always, I love your blogs! I wish I could be this good, but just won't happen! :) Your family is brilliant & I am glad you all had another great time. :) Love u all! Sonya

  2. Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it. Love it.Love it.


  3. You all looked fantastic Happy new year to you all we love yo so much. xxxx Can't wait until June x
