Monday, January 31, 2011
I Heard a Scream
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Parent/Teacher Conferences
First I had Hailey's and Mrs Carr said she is fabulous, she said something in her has switched and she talks and talks all day. She is one of the more vocal kids in her speech therapy class and answers all the questions in circle time. She is at a 3yr old level on most things but there are a few areas where she is still sitting at a 2.5yr old but she is not worried about this. Hailey still has social issues and doesn't mix too well with the other kids and would much rather play on her own or be with the grown ups. They are encouraging her to play with children at recess and not allowing her to stand with the adults and it seems to be working. Over all they are very impressed with Hailey's improvements over the last few months.
Next was Masie's, the first two graphs are hers. Ms Miller is very impressed with her, her reading and writing skills have blossomed and she loves that she puts so much detail into her stories. She is still very strong in Math and whizzes through the exercises. I asked about her spelling test and she got 100%!!!!! She is just so smart and when she puts her mind to something she can pull anything off. The words were:
- Lampshade
- Infrequent
- Contrast
- Comprehend
- Ostrich
- Pilgrim
- Subtract
- Hundred
- Explode (Yes I will be spell checking these so I don't embarrass myself,lol)
Ms Miller is very proud of her and so am I. One more thing, they get given a short story and have to read 90 (before they leave 2ND grade) words in one minute and comprehend what they have just read and answer questions. At the beginning of the year Masie got 26 words, last weeks test she got 86, this is a massive improvement.
Taylor was last but not least. I am so over the moon proud of Taylor, she has come so far in a very short amount of time. She is one the top kids in her class and she just blow the tests out of the water. Example- test one was four pictures on each sheet and the teacher said a letter sound and she had to point to the picture that began with that sound, she had to get 15 in one minute to pass the test, Taylor got 36!!!!! All her tests went similar and Mrs Tade couldn't believe it. The first graph shows that she is already above where she needs to be at graduation time. I'm so proud of her and Mrs Tade cant believe how far she has come. One funny little thing about Taylor though, I found out she moved her clip, can you believe it, Taylor moved her clip!! I cant believe the little turd didn't tell me, she started laughing when I told her but she was embarrassed and told me she got the chance to move it back to green so it didn't count.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Foto Friday
This week went pretty quickly, the kids only had a 3 day week so maybe that's why. Its starting to get really hard without Chris here, he left a month ago now and we are all ready to be back together. Not too much longer. Again nothing too interesting has happened. Ive been trying to get into shape but apparently thinking about it doesn't move the pounds, weird I thought it would,lol. So I am going to try hard this week to start the new me, hopefully Ill give you good news next Friday. OK on with the good stuff:
Friday- We have Hailey being crazy after her relaxing bath. Her vocabulary is getting so much better, instead of saying "I take bath" (like she normally would) she asked me "I take bath because I is cold, I want to stay in bath forever" That's the longest sentence I think she has ever put together.
It might be close to Saturday but its still Friday, I actually made it!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Mini Lava Lamps
Look how clever Masie is
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Girlie Nights 1-21-11 and 1-22-11
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Taylor's First Sleep Over
Last Friday Taylor was invited to sleepover at her friends house and I was totally freaking out about it. So many things running through my head:
- She has never done this before
- Its all the way on base
- What if she doesn't sleep
- What if something happened and I couldn't get there fast enough etc etc
Then I starting thinking like a normal person (I have special tablets,lol) and started thinking:
- OMG she is going to have the best time
- What is she going to remember from this very first sleep over
- The memories will be priceless
- She will love every minute of it
Best of all, I know she is safe!! So we dropped her off at 5pm on Friday and picked her up at 10.30 on Saturday. She didn't want to come home, she was FULL of excitement. Sherra (The Mom) told me that they started off with pizza and cookies then games and nail painting, followed by hide and seek and a movie, and finally bath (with bath paints) and story then bed. Can you blame her for not wanting to come home.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Masie Came in Second Place
There were three judges, they each left a little comment
Judge 1- Your project was wonderful! Don't be shy, you did great. Best of luck.
Judge 2- Masie, I really liked your report! Don't be afraid to show us just how smart you are!
Judge 3- Good job, I have never seen something like that keep it up!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Girlie Night 1-15-11
So we did these cool sand art bottles, spoke to Daddy on the web cam, read books, did Masie's hair, ate popcorn and drank smoothies while watching the Bee Movie and wrote our story. Wanna hear it? Well if you do, keep reading, if not WHY, our stories are brilliant!!!
Masie- Once upon a time there was a boy called Macaroni Twist Around, everyone laughed at his name.
Taylor- He went to another school but the other children still laughed a lot when he told them his name.
Hailey- He's making a bear, a tent and eye.
Kerry- He put the eye on the bear and put the bear for a nap in the tent. He was in class a found a friend, his friend was called Angel Hair, everyone laughed at his name too so they stuck together and had fun.
Masie- They didn't know they were cousins, they asked their Mum if they could come over and she said, "you are cousins".
Taylor- They ate cupcakes with cherries on top and played in the sand box.
Hailey- There are playing with a snake "stop it Masie, stop it". Um Angel Hair puts in his mouth.
Kerry- Macaroni shouts "don't eat yourself Angel Hair" they decided they wanted to be special and no longer be laughed at. They made ten thousand cupcakes and built a tower.
Masie- They climbed to the top of the tower and fell into a glass of milk that was floating on a cloud. We found a village made of clouds.
Taylor- We saw midgets selling cookies to Nanny and Grandad, Uncle Rob, Maddie and Auntie Sam. There was a mini dog there called Rumbo, he left foot steps in the village.
Hailey- The dog ate Nanny's bum and nose and teeth and mouth. Mouth hurts, how will she eat.
Kerry- We were having so much fun up there we didn't realize we had been up there for three weeks. Everyone was worried and finally climbed the cupcake tower and found us, the whole village had turned into a fair and full of color. The people in the village never laughed at Macaroni Twist Around and Angel Hair again.
The End!!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
I felt a Little Crazy

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Two Pots of Candy = Two Great purposes
The second pot are skittles and they are not measured, Hailey has gone backwards with her toileting. Its been going on for a long time now and once again my Mum gives me the idea of bringing candy into the equation, this is what got her potty trained in the first place. So whenever she pees on the toilet she gets one skittle, and if or when her underwear is wet then she get to choose a skittle and throws it in the bin. If you know Hailey you will know how much she hates this and how hard it is for her to do. So just finishing day two and she has only thrown away 1 skittle. So far so good, only time will tell.
Masie's Amazing Lava Lamp (pictures)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Do you know why I love you?
- Because I'm your Mummy
- Because I'm kind
- Because I have blond hair
She replied no!! I love you because you are you!!
Talk about warm my heart when I really needed it. I love being a Mummy. I might not get paid but I get to raise three wonderful little girls and give them the best start in life. That is priceless. She made me focus on what was real, and take each day as it comes. Thank you Masie:-)