Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Roll Model

Hailey's first day as a roll model!! She loves the fact that now she gets to bring her own lunch, she helps to pack it everyday. Her teachers didn't know what to say when she pulled out a pot of black olives:-)


  1. lol Jazmin's teacher's looked at her with s'prise the 1st time she took a tub of black olives with her lunch, thry're used to it now tho' lol. way to go Hailey, good for you.

  2. Hey. From what I know of Hailey she only eats Spiderman birthday cake and frosting and throw i some gingerbread house candy decorations and she can call it a meal. So if she is eating a can of black olives for lunch I say rock on Hailey Sue Marie!!!

  3. well done Hailey yum yum olives xxxx
