Sunday, January 29, 2012

Amazing Feedback

I went to the girls' parent/teacher conferences on Friday and I was blown away with the feed back. I went to Taylor's first and Ms Reed is so proud of her and said she is so confident and a joy to have in the class, she is really coming out of her shell and no longer shy. She showed me the scores of her recent tests and I was again blown away, Her Oral reading Fluency stated "off-the-chart results" amazing. She was given a story to read and had one minute to read at least 20 words, Taylor read 97!!!! Overall outstanding report!!

I then went to Masie's class and was thoroughly impressed on how she has progressed, Masie has a little trouble with spelling and last time I went the teacher and I were a little concerned. Her teacher is amazing and started an after school "club" for all the kids struggling and Masie has jumps leaps and bounds. Her Math and reading scores jumped over 10 points in just 2 months (usually you see 2-3)

Another outstanding report. Both teachers adore the girls and this makes me proud that they are sweet, kind and hard working.

Well Done Girls!!!

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