Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pretty Girl

I may be biased but Masie is the most beautiful 8 year girl in the world. She is all dressed up to see the judges today for her science fair, wish her luck we find out today if/where she placed:)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Amazing Feedback

I went to the girls' parent/teacher conferences on Friday and I was blown away with the feed back. I went to Taylor's first and Ms Reed is so proud of her and said she is so confident and a joy to have in the class, she is really coming out of her shell and no longer shy. She showed me the scores of her recent tests and I was again blown away, Her Oral reading Fluency stated "off-the-chart results" amazing. She was given a story to read and had one minute to read at least 20 words, Taylor read 97!!!! Overall outstanding report!!

I then went to Masie's class and was thoroughly impressed on how she has progressed, Masie has a little trouble with spelling and last time I went the teacher and I were a little concerned. Her teacher is amazing and started an after school "club" for all the kids struggling and Masie has jumps leaps and bounds. Her Math and reading scores jumped over 10 points in just 2 months (usually you see 2-3)

Another outstanding report. Both teachers adore the girls and this makes me proud that they are sweet, kind and hard working.

Well Done Girls!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Enough is Enough

I have always treated my daycare kids like my own, today was the end of that. A daycare child DESTROYED Taylor's bedroom and I don't mean just a little bit. She keeps her room so nice and takes care of her things, she has new Harry Potter Deco and was all settled. A daycare child went for a "nap" and when I checked on him I found this: Taylor's room is never messy, this was all him.

Luckily, he found the washable markers! But they were still everywhere!

Even her sheet and Mattress!

If that wasn't enough he got her very first project she did in first Grade.

He pulled down and ruined 6 of her Harry Potter stickers, she walked into her room behind me and cried her heart out. I felt so guilty that I had let him in there (this is no new thing, he has always slept in there). I don't like putting them on Mats for naps but I will now. I like them to have the run of the house, not anymore (there will be locks on doors). To top it off when I told the Mom she LAUGHED!!!! I have never been so mad in the whole time I have done daycare, this is our home!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Little of This, a Little of That

Estella Bedlla is getting so big and boy does she love Welly. She cant crawl yet so she gets very excited when Welly walks past her. My lovely little Mason learning his ABC's, I was too cheap to pay the $25 for the wall poster ABC's so I bought a pack of flash cards and pinned them to the wall. Its working really well and Mason and Hailey are picking it up so much better than before. I have them say the alphabet while pointing to the correct letter and then they spell their names.

We are slowing practicing for our *deep breath*.......... Graduation. Here is Mason doing The Pledge of Allegiance.Poor little Hailey, tried to climb up on her bed to the high shelves and fell and hit the bookshelf below, she screamed so loud my Sister heard her in Ireland, well I was on the phone to her but it was still pretty loud.

Estella, looking cute.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Game

First basketball game!! Taylor was really excited as were her teammates, although they didn't win they had great team spirit and had fun. Taylor really got in there and I think after a few more lessons she will be the star of the court. We also bought a basketball hoop this weekend and love to play together. Ill have to get a post together about that.GO BULLS!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The World According to Taylor

Taylor got the best camera from Nanny and Grandad, its a kids camera and has really cool special effects. I downloaded over 200!!!! pictures. I had to delete about 150 of them as they were blurry or a picture of a wall, carpet or a finger,lol. Masie and Taylor have been going around since Christmas taking pictures and the last couple of days they have figured out the special effects.
Masie in a snow globe:-) Lovely picture of me!!

Taylor's love of her life Ron, from Harry Potter.

Taylor's best friend Hannah.

One of my favourites, swollen Taylor in sunglasses, looking out of a window:-)

Princess Hailey!!

I will be doing random "The World According to Taylor" posts.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Story Time

Taylor loves to read, she reads all the time and her reading grade has jumped in the last few months. Here she is reading to Boots while he relaxes in his bath.


They might fight, they might say hurtful things but at the end of the day they love each other and will be best friends forever. I couldn't imagine not having my Brother or Sister, we did typical sibling things when we were growing up and that was fun. Now they are both my very best friends.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Taking care of me!!

Its about time I think, don't you?? Us girls/Mum's need to start looking after ourselves. A few months ago it hit me that I was very unhappy about letting my weight increase so dramatically and it was affecting my every day life. So I took charge, I joined weight watchers online the beginning of December and I have lost 13lbs!!! I feel great, I exercise and I eat so much better. I have another 15lbs to go and I think I will do it!! I went out and bought a few pairs of new jeans and shirts and I didn't realise how good you feel when you are wearing nice clothes.Masie was my photographer and had me blow a kiss,lol I think she has been watching me too much:-) A little bit of make-up and my new favourite item ever, lip gloss!!!!

I challenge you to take a step in looking after you!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hungry Salcata

My sweet baby!! I love my Welly, he was in the hallway, you know because he has the run of the house now. I put in the lettuce and he ran to it, too cute.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Roll Model

Hailey's first day as a roll model!! She loves the fact that now she gets to bring her own lunch, she helps to pack it everyday. Her teachers didn't know what to say when she pulled out a pot of black olives:-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mummy Time

Mummy time was needed!! Taylor has been having a lot of issues over the last few weeks with her temper and emotions, she has been really naughty and mean to her sisters. Not sure why, phase? (hope so). Anyway Friday night I put aside some time for some one on one with Taylor, we shut ourselves in her room with makeup and hair accessories. We had the best time doing each others hair and makeup. We had a really good talk and I heard the best sound in the world, Taylor's laugh! She loved her eyes! Touch wood things are looking better.

Of course then Masie felt left out, so we did our nails and played a game.

Monday, January 9, 2012

She has Skill

Taylor's first basketball game went really well. She was so excited to go and her team seem really nice and the coaches are lovely. Her first time shooting was a confidence booster for her, she scored!!! I got it on video, posted below:-) Hailey couldn't take her eyes off the game!

My very clever Taylor!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Book Review- Twenties Girl

Twenties GirlTwenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brilliant!! Absolutely Brilliant!!

I really enjoyed this book, I could not put it down. I love to laugh while reading and 'Twenties Girl' did just that! I don't want to give away anything so just go and read it, you wont regret it.

View all my reviews

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hailey's First Cup of Tea

Its no secret that I love a nice cup of tea, one morning before pre-school I told the kids I was going to make a cup of tea. Hailey said "I would like a cup of tea please". So I made her one, she so badly wanted to love it, but sadly she didn't:-(

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kobe and Uncle Chris

How cute is this invitation? It came in the mail address to Uncle Chris "and everyone else" (added kindly by his Mommy). Every year Chris gets a call from a little boy who wants his Uncle at his birthday party. Its sad that we are so far away, I'm determined that one year he will get his wish. Kobe and his Uncle Chris have a really special bond, I know Kobe loves us all but Uncle Chris is by far his favourite! I just love it, you should see them together its just precious! When they get together they are like little buddies. I remember the look on Chris's face the first time he saw Kobe in person, he picked him up and held him so tight.

One of my most favourite pictures:-)

Seriously can this boy get any cuter??? We love you Kobe Loudince!!!! P.S I secretly know this is all a show and Kobe's real favourite is none other than his Uncle Perry!!! AKA, ME!!! LOL.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Parent Trap

So the girls' new favourite movie is parent trap, but I think it is now banned!!! We go into our room last night to find dental floss all over our room, its hard to get it in the pictures, we had to laugh (not in front of them) then I pick up my pillow and the giant spider is behind it, little Sh*ts!!! Hailey's idea by the way! When does it stop being funny? NOW!!! I go to put the baby to bed and couldn't believe my eyes, its everywhere. "HAILEY!!!!!!!" I hear little footsteps in the opposite direction and a giggle. Oh god that kid!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Welcome to our 2012 blog "little Blonde Girls". Don't you just love the drawing of the girls? We had it done at the mall over Christmas, it is too cute. My brother , Sister and I had a more detailed one done when we were little I'm going to get a picture of it and show you.

Keeping the tradition going we went to the White Sands on News Years Day, it was beautiful weather and the sand was perfect for sledding and sand castle making. Oh I have to tell you, maybe its just me but I think this is completely rude. While we were enjoying our family time going down the dunes a car pulls up with a loud Mom and Dad and a boy about 8. Instead of the other hundred of miles of sands they decided to take over the part we were using. Saying "excuse me" and pushing their way past to go down the dune. We could not believe it, they were yelling at the boy and basically just being white trash. So we were completely rude back and they joined another family!!