Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School

It has been a long and wonderful summer but it had to end sometime, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to them going back to school. They have started arguing and getting bored so I they were ready too. We are looking forward to a great year, I'm excited for them all to start this new chapter. 3rd for Masie, she is nervous as its the BIG kid hallway but she is definitely ready. 1st for Taylor and she is not nervous as she has her best friends with her and Ms Reed. Hailey can not wait to go, she is afternoons now so she has to wait a while to go, hopefully we will know whats going on with her school very soon.


  1. you all look wonderful and ready for school, nanny and grandad hope you all have a very good year in your new grades ( classes)xxxx

  2. Wow! Girls! Each of them look so perfect for their first days! It's hard to believe the Summer is nearly over - but like you, I am very happy school starts for us in two weeks. The kids have had enough of a break! And I am ready for a good schedule!

    Love you girls!!! :-)

  3. I know Masie will fly through third grade!! And as for Taylor I'm so happy to have her in my class she's so sweet and she always has a smile as she comes up and says, "Ms. Reed..." now if I can just get Hailey in a couple years life will be grand! Oh yeah, Taylor promised me no broken bones at school this year! LOL :)
