Friday, August 31, 2012

Finally Happy

Today as I do every Friday I stood on the dreaded scale, I have been going up and down here and there for the past few weeks, not by much but still.  Anyway it said I put on a pound which I didn't think I deserved and it hurt my feelings. Then all of a sudden I thought, you know what I don't care. For the first time ever I am happy with the way I look and I don't need a number on the scale to change that. Do I need to lose a few pounds? Sure, but who doesn't. Do I need to tone my tummy, butt and legs? Of course but so what. I am eating good portions, healthier food and being active, I am also in a size 9 pair of jeans and I can still breathe.
 So I say screw the scale and live your life without that concern! Life is too short to worry about a number.


  1. You look fantastic! Never ever worry about the number. Worry more about how you feel :o) I love your outfit. You are going to have to take me clothes shopping!!

  2. you look fantastic, good for you NO MORE SCALES i wish i had found my happy weight, well actually i did and lost it again, im so proud of you.xxxx
