Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Hailey

I know her birthday was over a month ago but this Mummy has been busy, I have had the pictures up here for a few weeks but never actually got round to writing the post.  So here goes: Hailey Paige Dorcheus turns 5 years old.  She starts her day try to get out of her room, which I may add she thought was the best thing ever, her face was a picture when she opened her eyes.
Look at my big girl looking gorgeous.

Presents never get old, she had a great time opening gifts.
A carefully taken picture of her in the bath with her green goo, its the most gross stuff you will ever buy. Don't buy it!! It sticks to hair, carpets, the dog and anything else it may come in contact with. It doesn't turn back into water like it says but she is 5 and thought it was pretty cool.
We took her to Wet n Wild for her birthday and it was the best day, she had so much fun trying out all the rides.

She hasn't insisted that we call her Egg for the last few weeks but over the summer "Egg" was her name. When asked what she wanted on her cake she said "Happy Birthday Egg". So she got her wish.

Happy Birthday Hailey


  1. I wouldn't recommend that bath goo either my two had some, what a big MISTAKE that was, NEVER AGAIN!! shall that crap come into this house!
