Friday, August 3, 2012

Catch Up Post

In San Antonio we had the girls hands waxed.
Hailey's had to have hers done twice as she didn't react to well when they put her hand in hot wax.

 They came out so good.
 My first proper Pina Colada.
 We enjoyed our time together so much.
 Hi Jacob!!
 Grandad and Hailey getting advice
 Oh Mother don't be jealous of Bella

We saw these adorable baby birds calling for their Mummy. That Mama bird was the hardest working Mum ever.
This was a few feet away from the first one
Hailey is very special
We went to Texas Road House for Hailey's birthday dinner, she was so excited to finally sit on the horse. The staff were so lovely as always.
 They even brought them up to line dance with them.

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