Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Day

I am Officially an EA at Buena Vista Public School, I'm going to be working in a class room with Autistic children.  I am so excited, this is what I want to do.  I'm glad for my daycare and that I got to spend time with my children and now its my turn to step outside my comfort zone and into the big wide world. I will be with the girls' so it makes everything perfect.  I'm doing this, all by myself and I'm proud of me.
 We are all packed and ready to go. We went to Las Cruces a few weeks ago and got the girls' some cute backpacks and lunch boxes. Its time for Hailey to take the huge step into Kindergarten, she is finally ready and excited to go. Ill try and update tomorrow but no promises as Chris was sent TDY this morning for three weeks and I need to figure out how to manage everything and everyone. AHHHH!!


  1. Woo hoo! Look at you! You should be so proud of yourself. You were a working mum before but now you are a big time out of the home working mum. It's hard. You will do great! When does school start?

  2. I am confused because there is no spiderman backpack....which one is Hailey's??? LOL

  3. xxx you will all do fantastic, we are very proud of you. xxx

  4. LOL there was no spiderman backpack this time and I was secretly glad. School started today, crazy day but more so when I came home,lol.
