Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

Go Hailey!! She finished her year with all A's and B's. I'm so proud of her.
 Graduation was super cute, and I only cried when the teacher read a poem and made everyone cry.

 My boy Travis was also a graduate.
 Lets not forget little Mason, love these two.

 Ms Arens LOVES Hailey.
 Sweet Dante
 Hailey and our old neighbor, Therese
 She was spoilt with gifts.

 Ashton was being silly, love my job.
 Baby Porter
Happy Graduation Day.


  1. So proud, but I want to shrink her! Getting way too big!

  2. What a grown up girl she is. Brought a tear to my eye seeing her in her graduation gown. X
