Thursday, April 18, 2013

What Does a Chocolate Mean?

This single chocolate made my day.....
Let me tell you why:

There is this sweet little girl at my school, I can not put much information on here but let me tell you I see her shinning through all the clouds around her. Her peers do not treat her right and over the last few weeks I have been trying to get it through to her that it is not OK that she is treated this way. I watched everyday as she stared at her lunch then threw it away. One day I saw she took a single bite, I praised her and gave her a high five, her smile melted my heart. From that day on, she eats all her lunch and seeks me out to show me.

The other day she saw me and her face lit up, she gestured for me to get to her level and whispered to me. "My dad said, when I find someone special I am allowed to give them this chocolate". She handed me the chocolate, tears in my eyes I hugged her and told her that she was the special one and she shouldn't let anyone tell her any different.  I hugged her again and told her she could eat my chocolate, she said "I really want you to have it Mrs Kerry". I took it and smiled.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome & a wonderful influence, not just on these lucky kids, but my daughter & me! I for one, can NEVER thank you enough!
