Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our Adventure, Final Destination- Spokane Washington

We put our house up for sale at the end of January. That same day we got a viewing, the viewings continued, sometimes many times a week.  Keeping our house "show ready" was pretty hard.  Sometimes our Realtor would call me for a showing that afternoon, I was whizz around like a mad woman in my lunch break getting it in order. Lucky we have the best friend ever, and she would come over and stop the dogs from eating any potential buyers.

We got an offer about a month ago but they needed to sell their house first so we signed a contingency contract. We weren't too happy with this but it was the best we had. To cut a long story short we were contacted at the beginning of this week to say the potential buyers are applying for a bridging loan! An hour later it had been approved and we signed a new contract that night. Fast forward to today and everything is moving quickly and we have a rough closing date of on or around the 8th of May. AHHHHHH What?!

Freaking out, excited, worried, looking forward to the next step of our adventure.

Chris managed to get us on base housing, how? I'm not sure as we were 69 on the list. But we are moving into this lovely white trash in the ghetto housing that's tiny and only has three bedrooms.  Who wouldn't be excited? Lucky for him this is just a temp house as we wait for a 4 bedroom in the new housing. It should be available around June/July, so we will be moving three times in the next nine months. As the ghetto house isn't ready until the 21st May we will be in limbo for a few weeks.

Find out more on this crazy adventure, soon.


  1. You know I will do anything for you, even long distance! Love you guys! Hope it goes smooth for you. And thanks. :)

  2. X x keep smiling Kerry u can do this x x
