Sunday, May 6, 2012

Summary Sunday

My sister and I have decided to do a weekly post again.  The pain would be too much to do Foto Friday as Kristi is not a blogger anymore:( So we decided Summary Sunday would be a good Idea.  It has just one rule, it has to be posted before midnight on Sunday. This post will be a review of the week, it can have as many pictures as you like or just one if you have had a crappy week. So here goes.

 We went to Las Cruces last weekend, our main reason is always Texas Road House!! I accidentally tore into my steak before taking a picture.  Loaded sweet potato, omg thats good.
 Hailey was getting high fever and other similar symptoms as Taylor so we had her tested for Mono.  They had to take her blood, this girl was awesome!! The lab tech said she was better than most military members.  She watched the needle go in and giggled when I said she should be crying. But Negative on the Mono!!
 Here is what we get up to on our scheduled snow days, its completely ridiculous having a snow day in NM when its 90 degrees out but hey I'm not the boss.

 My lovely Rexy Roo Roo snuggled on the couch, what a good life he has.
 Mason turned FIVE
 Makayla is getting more and more beautiful everyday, I only have 15 days left with her and I just know I'm going to miss her so much.
 This is my life, when I have an appointment I have to take my little ducklings with me.


  1. Lovely post, i can't believe you have to take all those kids with you! ohh and the steak dinner looks yum!

    Here is an idea lets block Kristi until she starts blogging again YES THATS YOU DORCHEY!!!! BLOG BLOG BLOG

  2. LOL, we should totally do that!! She could at least do one post a week, I dont know maybe umm, Summary Sunday!!

    We miss you Kristi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
