Thursday, November 24, 2011

Where is that Elf

Eddie has a great few weeks planned for his girls, and I will blog it all here, everyday. I'm going to do a "Where is that Elf" series. He will either be hiding or being naughty or maybe even both and you never know he might actually be caught doing something nice. He has a little surprise for the girls in the morning. Today he is hiding in the Christmas Leg Lamp puzzle box

He hid these gifts in certain areas of the house.

The scroll reads:

I’m Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have waited so long to be with you again, I’m so excited to spend another Christmas with my girls, I have thought of so many fun places to hide this year and I have a few surprises along the way (I hope your Mum and Dad don’t get mad).
I have been good at the North Pole this year, well not good good I suppose. Santa says I’m naughty, but I’m not the naughtiest elf that’s grape nut, he is real bad, at least I’m funny! Peaches is my best friend and she keeps me in line, I told her all about you. She has two children she looks out for called Raymond and Tuesday.
I can’t wait to watch you and report back to Santa each night, make sure you are extra good as I have to tell the truth or my magic will be taken away:(

I have a little surprise for you, you have to really think about the clues I’m giving you and you must NOT try and find your sisters gift. Don’t get upset if you can’t find it straight away, it’s a game and meant to be fun. Just ask me for a tip.
We are going to have the BEST Christmas!!!
See you when you find me

Love your Elf, Eddie Cheese Nip Apple Pie

• Masie- I have two different colors inside me
-My contents could kick your butt
-Dog tags rule! (What am I?)

• Taylor- You can press my buttons
- I have wheels
- I can chase the dog with your help (what am I?)

• Hailey- I love to go to school
-Sometimes you forget me
- I ride with you on the bus (What am I?)

The letters are really cute and have their favorite animal by their clue, it wouldn't post for some reason.

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