Saturday, November 5, 2011

Show 'n' Tell

Our animals sure know their way around school, I'm so happy that the girls get to show off their cool pets at school and educate their peers at the same time. Taylor's teacher emailed me and said they were reading a book about a rabbit and if we had time could we bring in Mango. We of course were delighted. But we had no box to carry him, we put the bunny in the Spiderman back pack and off we went, I unzipped it for a few seconds to get this cute picture. I arrived at Taylor's class and they looked at me strange and a little boy said "you were meant to bring a bunny" I replied "I was, oops, I thought you just wanted to see me" they did a little nervous laugh. I then asked Mason what that noise was in his bag, I unzipped it and out jumps Mango. The kids went wild!

Another great show 'n' tell


  1. LOL love the picture of Mango peeking out of the bag xx

  2. LoL - You are funny! I love it! The one of Mango peaking out of the bag is so cute!!
