Unfortunately there are hungry people around the world. It is a sad but true fact that this very second children are crying with hunger pains, dying of starvation. It hurts my heart, it makes me think about what I have. I teach my children to think about the food they are eating, whether they like it or not they still go to bed with full and healthy tummy's. As much as I want to put a meal in front of every hungry child right now, I know its not possible. So instead of feeling overwhelmed, we put together a box and go to bed knowing that we have filled a few empty tummy's tonight. You can help too!
Hailey and Levi came to the store with me to pick up the items. Hailey took it very seriously and even told the check out lady that the food was for children with no food.

We had a lesson about where it was going and why, they learnt a lot and were excited to pack the box.

"If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one". Mother Teresa

"If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one". Mother Teresa
Your a good lady Kerry. You are brilliant with the kids too. :)