Sunday, November 27, 2011

Where is that Elf (3) and (4)

So, it turns out that I might not be doing it everyday, I got the picture uploaded yesterday and then forgot about it. So our "where is that Elf" will be posted every couple of days. Anyway, tonight (4) Eddie is hiding in their favourite cereal, not before leaving a little surprise though...............Nanny thought it would be funny to call Eddie and have him sneak some candy for the girls. When on the phone with Taylor they came up with this master plan and my Mum thought it was brilliant. So Eddie wrote these little notes and left their favourite sweets from England next to their beds. We will see if they listen to him and don't tell me in the morning.This is the third night, Eddie was caught on a date!! He prepared a lovely tea party for him and his friend and sat in the fire place where he was very hard to find.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Where is that Elf (2)

After almost an hour this morning the girls finally locate Eddie and are so excited that he is holding scrolls. It took them a little while to figure out the clues but they got there, they seriously had the best time ever. Unfortunately Masie and Taylor got sick today:( They have bad tummies and throwing up, so Eddie didn't want to give them a hard time in the morning or try anything fancy so here he is sitting in the reef.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Where is that Elf

Eddie has a great few weeks planned for his girls, and I will blog it all here, everyday. I'm going to do a "Where is that Elf" series. He will either be hiding or being naughty or maybe even both and you never know he might actually be caught doing something nice. He has a little surprise for the girls in the morning. Today he is hiding in the Christmas Leg Lamp puzzle box

He hid these gifts in certain areas of the house.

The scroll reads:

I’m Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have waited so long to be with you again, I’m so excited to spend another Christmas with my girls, I have thought of so many fun places to hide this year and I have a few surprises along the way (I hope your Mum and Dad don’t get mad).
I have been good at the North Pole this year, well not good good I suppose. Santa says I’m naughty, but I’m not the naughtiest elf that’s grape nut, he is real bad, at least I’m funny! Peaches is my best friend and she keeps me in line, I told her all about you. She has two children she looks out for called Raymond and Tuesday.
I can’t wait to watch you and report back to Santa each night, make sure you are extra good as I have to tell the truth or my magic will be taken away:(

I have a little surprise for you, you have to really think about the clues I’m giving you and you must NOT try and find your sisters gift. Don’t get upset if you can’t find it straight away, it’s a game and meant to be fun. Just ask me for a tip.
We are going to have the BEST Christmas!!!
See you when you find me

Love your Elf, Eddie Cheese Nip Apple Pie

• Masie- I have two different colors inside me
-My contents could kick your butt
-Dog tags rule! (What am I?)

• Taylor- You can press my buttons
- I have wheels
- I can chase the dog with your help (what am I?)

• Hailey- I love to go to school
-Sometimes you forget me
- I ride with you on the bus (What am I?)

The letters are really cute and have their favorite animal by their clue, it wouldn't post for some reason.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm Thankful For;

Oh, way too many things to blog but I down loaded my camera and found three gorgeous girls and an equally gorgeous apple pie. So first I'm thankful for Masie and her tom boy, tree climbing, pretty little self. Check out the acorn we found at the zoo still in its shell. I'm thankful for my sweet Taylor who loves to snuggle with me on the rocking chair and read me her library books.

I'm thankful for my baby Hailey who LOVES to help me in the kitchen, and just chats and chats about everything.

I'm thankful for yummy tasty pies made by ME!!! This one looks like a flower according to Hailey who wanted to help.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Estella is Getting Big

The one thing I love about my job is I get to watch these little people grow right in front of me. Estella is nearly 6 months now and doing really well. This is the first time she has ever sat up by herself!! So proud of her.

Chilling out with me in the car while the rest of them have an extra few minutes.

I thought the sand had a lot to do with her sitting up but the very next day, here she is!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Wall of Crafts

We have had so much fun this week creating thanksgiving pictures. Our wall is looking A.W.E.S.O.M.E but its coming down tomorrow so the daycare kids can have their stuff for their house:) A little close up of our turkey and poem.

I was so proud of this creation, we dyed rice, mixed it all together and wrote what we were thankful for in glue and topped it with the rice.
Hailey is thankful for- Flowers and Bugs

Mason is thankful for- Family and his DS

Levi is thankful for- Books and cars

Dying Rice

1/4 cup of white vinegar

1/2 cup of dry white uncooked rice

A few drops of food coloring

Mix the vinegar and color together, add rice and make sure its covered completely, leave for 5 minutes.

drain and pour on newspaper to dry.

Pilgrims!! Mason and Hailey loved this activity. I always allow the kids to be hands on and do the whole craft themselves with minimal help from me.

On the wall of fame.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hailey and Pablo

What more can I say than, she is wearing 6 pairs of trousers and her shirt upside down!!! Cute Pablo NOT on the bed and covered up by the girls.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Egg Trick In Pictures

As I cant print a video I am posting pictures too:-)
Masie had no clue that she was about to be trick, she was confident that she could stab Daddy with the fork before he wipes up the egg. 1-2-3 and the egg is wiped up,with her butt!! LOL

She was a good sport, confused as hell but came out smiling.

She did NOT want to show her butt after, but a little persuasion and here it is.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Egg Trick with Masie

Masie was such a good sport! Taylor was filming so sorry about the heads being cut off in the middle.

Book Review- Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French KissAnna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, it was an easy read and predictable but I secretly love that. The Author did keep you at suspense but in the end gave you want you were hoping for. To be honest I would have been very disappointed if it ended in any other way. I love reading a book and feeling right there in the scenes:-)

View all my reviews

Feeding The Hungry

Unfortunately there are hungry people around the world. It is a sad but true fact that this very second children are crying with hunger pains, dying of starvation. It hurts my heart, it makes me think about what I have. I teach my children to think about the food they are eating, whether they like it or not they still go to bed with full and healthy tummy's. As much as I want to put a meal in front of every hungry child right now, I know its not possible. So instead of feeling overwhelmed, we put together a box and go to bed knowing that we have filled a few empty tummy's tonight. You can help too! Hailey and Levi came to the store with me to pick up the items. Hailey took it very seriously and even told the check out lady that the food was for children with no food.

We had a lesson about where it was going and why, they learnt a lot and were excited to pack the box.

"If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one". Mother Teresa

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Family Picture

Hailey had a Veterans day assignment, as a family we had to put together a picture for the wall of fame. We also put in a picture of Daddy and Grandad in uniform.
School pictures were not that bad this year, I have been so mad with them. My thought is yes you cant get a nice picture on every child every time, but you can make half an effort to try. This year they were good!! But seriously, who prices photography packages! They are stupid!! We got the basic package of one sheet with a few pictures for $20!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Like you Wouldnt have Done it

This is so mean but OMG its so funny.

The girls are in bed sleeping and I remember that Masie asked for a little heater in her room. Chris and I both went in their and Chris was all hyper and says "lets mess with her" So he started dancing all crazy and we were laughing so hard, and all of a sudden I shouted BOO!! and she sat up and saw us staring and laughing and her eyes got so wide and she shook her head and said really quiet "go, go". It was so much fun.

The other night we were just about to go to sleep when we heard howling only to find out it was Masie!! LOL.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pablo and His Mummy

My lovely baby boy, he is NOT allowed on the furniture so this was a rare treat for him (and me). Kissy Kissy

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Little Late But

Halloween pictures are here. We went to our friend Andrea's house again this year and Faith and Sonya came too. We had a great time and got loads of candy.Doesn't it look like Masie has a beard,lol.

Haunted house, um not great for Hailey!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Show 'n' Tell

Our animals sure know their way around school, I'm so happy that the girls get to show off their cool pets at school and educate their peers at the same time. Taylor's teacher emailed me and said they were reading a book about a rabbit and if we had time could we bring in Mango. We of course were delighted. But we had no box to carry him, we put the bunny in the Spiderman back pack and off we went, I unzipped it for a few seconds to get this cute picture. I arrived at Taylor's class and they looked at me strange and a little boy said "you were meant to bring a bunny" I replied "I was, oops, I thought you just wanted to see me" they did a little nervous laugh. I then asked Mason what that noise was in his bag, I unzipped it and out jumps Mango. The kids went wild!

Another great show 'n' tell

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Its Not Very Often...

That the girls walk to school like this: Blah!! I don't mind rain but when it is mixed with cold and dark it just makes it miserable. It took them 4 times as long to get to school this particular morning as they were going so slow to try and keep dry under their umbrella's. Then Taylor stepped in a puddle (heaven forbid) and started crying and refusing to move.