Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Water Fight in February

This weekend we had a really lovely sunny day, Saturday was kinda stressful for whatever reason (whining kids, fighting etc etc) So Sunday I was determined to have a good day. Out of nowhere we were having a water fight. It was great to laugh together. Poor Welly got hit!

Bradley Alexis Loftus

Welcome to the world baby Bradley! He was delivered 8pm (Irish time) weighing a lovely 9lbs 5oz. Haven't spoken to the happy couple yet but Mother and Baby are doing well. Update soon!! Love you Maxine:-)

Photo used without permission and stolen from my sister's blog

Book Review- Can You Keep a Secret?

Can You Keep a Secret?Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of those books that literally makes you laugh out loud and people think you are nuts. It was so funny I just couldn't put it down, of course it had its Drama and "oh my god, whats going to happen" moments but that made it that much more fabulous!

This is my 3rd Sophie Kinsella book and I am off to go and buy another one.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Good Student

One of the great things about my girls is, they always give their best in school. Masie's class was doing projects for black History month. Masie was given Louis Armstrong and did it with style like always. She put so many hours into this project and presented it to her class with confidence.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


It takes a lot of planning when you are going to turn 7 and plan on having the best Ice-Cream party in the world!!

  • First- Who do you invite?? I know, everyone!!

  • Second- What decorations??

  • Third- What food?? Everything to do with Ice-Cream

  • Forth- What cake should I have?? How about Me and Mummy spend the night before in the kitchen whipping up some cup cakes in Ice-cream cones and decorate with frosting, sprinkles and flakes that have come all the way from England. (You have to have a good ole Mr Whippy at all ice cream party)

  • Fifth-How do I entertain my guests?? I'm natural fun so they will have a fabulous time, but we will do a few party favors.

  • Sixth- How can I control my excited 6 year old little body for a whole week and 1 day?? No clue.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hailey's Prayer

Hailey just came to me and said. "Listen Mummy" and closed her eyes and put her hands together.

"Did god and Jesus, I hope god and Jesus comes to our house and brings me cookies and cupcakes. Please god take me to the park, you can do everything. I hope god and Jesus when its my birthday you get me Harry Potter movies, a I hope god and Jesus the states of America, Dmen!"

Thats my girl ladies and Gentlemen!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

How Did This Happen?

We have three additions to the family, the girls had a bunch of money saved up and bought themselves a little treat. Masie got Oopie the Parakeet. He is seriously the best bird ever, you can handle him and he just sits with you. Taylor got Tweety the Leopard Gecko.

Hailey got Harry Potter the Betta fish.

Friday, February 17, 2012

It's Coming too Quick

Mason and Hailey will be going to Kindergarten in August, so my time with Mason is coming to an end. The idea makes me sad, I love him like my own. Hopefully he will be able to go to the girls' school and I will pick him up and have him for an hour. I'm going to really miss him, he is my buddy. I'm going to organise a graduation for them, with caps and gowns, how cute will that be!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Play Date Surprise

OK, this will NOT surprise you but I share because I'm pretty sure it will make you smile. We were at my friends house today with a few other woman I have met before. Hailey comes into me to say Hello to Estella and her face was completely dirty! How did she get that dirty playing in a clean house for like 20 minutes. I joked "Who's kid is this" and they laughed, then I noticed she had her boots on the wrong feet, people are still looking at this point when I whip off her boots and about 15 Hersey kiss wrappers flew out. OMG everyone burst out laughing. I was shocked and Hailey was all proud of herself and started giggling while she ran off. She is such a DEVIL!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Taylor and Her Glasses

How cute is this little girl??!! There was a message on the machine saying they were ready and she was finally excited about getting them. Off we went and she just loves them, I think she is adorable and totally suits glasses.My gorgeous girls in glasses.

Monday, February 13, 2012

8 Kiddo's

Not quite sure how I managed it but I had eight kids today, crazy but true. Surprisingly enough we are having a fun day with no tears and tantrums (yet). Remember Peyton?? We have him for three days this week, I just love that boy. The young lady on the right is Isabelle, she is our daycare girl that comes for an hour before school to walk with the girls.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I Love Us

I just love our little family!!We love to explore and just hang out.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where is my Curly Wurly?

This was the funnest moment ever, we just finished dinner and Chris goes into the cupboard to find that his last Curly Wurly was missing. My Mum sends him a few every now and then and he just loves them. He goes MAD and shouts, "Where is my Curly Wurly??!!!"
Taylor starts laughing and says, "Its under my horse"
OMG it was just too funny, I ran to her room and sure enough I find Chris's half eaten Curly Wurly!! So she feels bad and gives him the rest. Yeah right!!!! She eats the whole thing right in front of him. I thought he was going to cry,lol.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't go to Recess

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Taylor, she was a happy little girl just enjoying life as a six year old. One day she goes to school as normal and about 20 minutes before school is out her Mummy gets a worried nurse on the phone stating Taylor's complaining of blurring eyes, she said her eyes were not straight......
When I get to the school I am freaked out at what I see, her eyes are all over the place. She cant focus on me, WTF. I take her home and call the doctor, they tell me there are no appointments and I was to call back at 7am. I did just that and get a worried Tech saying I should have taken her straight to the ER, I did inform her that her colleague told me to call back at 7am and she knew what was going on. Anyway, Chris comes home and takes her to the ER and they are puzzled, they do a CAT scan which shows some sinus pressure behind both her eyes. She is sent to El-Paso to see a pediatric eye doctor. After hours of waiting and testing, Taylor is prescribed glasses. She is near sighted in one eye and has small cataracts in both eyes. I'm still extremely confused how she went to recess with fine vision and straight eyes and came back from recess with blurry eyes that are all over the place!! I just don't get it. (apparently she didn't fall, bump heads, nothing!!??)
I'm sad for my little girl, although I know she is going to look stunning in glasses I know she is nervous and does not want them at all:-(

I love you Squidgy!!

Poor Welly

Welly got sick:( I noticed that he had a runny nose and his breathing was sounding like a whistle. I took him to the vet and he has a respiratory infection. He has to get 3 shots, his first one was today and he did not like it. When they were examining him, he peed all over the place. When they tried to inject him, he went in his shell and refused to give them his leg, poor baby:(

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Clever Taylor

Yes you are reading the title of that book correctly, my six year old child is reading Harry Potter, the best part is, she is actually reading it properly. I'm so proud of her.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Masie tested for blue belt today, she did really awesome her form was perfect and her sparring was one of the best. She has come a very long way with her sparring and I'm extremely proud of her.

Now what you have all been waiting for.......................

Look closely, she broke the board!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Baby!! First try, Well Done Masie!!

We don't know for sure until Tuesday but from what I saw she is definitely a blue belt, awards on Friday:-)


You don't read to your Tortoise while he is taking a bath? Hmm, strange,lol.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Cute Little Tiger Cub

Hailey said she wanted to sign up for Taekwondo, from past experience of signing Hailey up for things I was reluctant but decided to sign her up for the $19 trail, its three lessons and a uniform. Chris's exact words were, "Oh hell no". But I did it anyway. She absolutely loved it, she had the best time and cant wait to go back again. They made it so fun for these little Tiger Cubs. I hope she continues, I think it will be really good for her.

OMG isn't she just the cutest cub ever?!

*********Fingers Crossed For Masie's Testing Tomorrow****************

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Third Place

Yeah Baby!!! Masie did awesome and came home with third place for her "slime Time" project. I am mega impressed and so is she, there were 97 people this time so the competition stepped up from last year dramatically. Masie was in Chemistry!!