Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Trip Away Part one

So so so many pictures, I felt a little over whelmed at where to begin so I took a chill pill and remembered how great the time was and started blogging. This one is Albuquerque Zoo, what can I say that I haven't said before hmmmmm, fantabulous, cousins played and laughed all day long. Adults chatted, laughed and played all day long. Feeding the giraffes, this was one of the highlights, I got to touch his tongue! It was so cool, it was slimy. All the kids had a go, Maddie and Taylor were nervous but still did it, Hailey was all excited until it came and took the food and then she freaked out, Masie was very confident and could have stayed there all day long.

My brother is one of my best friends in the whole world!! I love him and we always laugh when we are together. The Zoo has a refreshing water section for the kids to play in, they were hot and bothered so this was just what they needed. You never know where the water will spray or when so this adds to the excitement. Maddie and Hailey were chasing it all over but missing it every time. I told them to stand in one spot and wait, and they finally got hit, and OMG it was so funny. You can see in the big picture that it blow Maddie's skirt up and her hat off in the same shot, she didn't know what to do first, run, get mad that her hat was gone or just laugh with her cousin.

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