Just look at this sweet face, this is baby Hyndrix 6lb 6oz born exactly one week ago today to my sister in law Holly. For many different reason Hyndrix is living with his foster parents and also lucky for him Auntie Kristi and Uncle Nathan. After they discussed it with their family and decided that adoption for this baby was not the right thing to do for their family. Chris and I then spoke it over for about 3 minutes before realizing that we didn't need to talk about it, we would 100% adopt this baby as our own if that was the route that was going to happen for him.
Never doing this before I guess I was very naïve in thinking that everything would be completed and Hyndrix would be sleep in his crib by my bed in a matter of 1-2 months. There are so many different hurdles that this process is going to be longer that I thought. I'm hoping that for his sake that papers are signed ASAP and he does not have to wait. Nate and Kristi are completely wonderfully, they dropped everything and drove down to get him, thank god they still had their fostering license or this story would be different.
So now we wait and we wait some more, being he control freak that I am this is painful to me as I have not control. All I know is that I love this little boy, so I guess that is all that matters at this point. Please pray for everyones hearts at this point, however this ends people are going to be hurt.
look at that beautiful face x