Saturday, March 30, 2013


I just loved my letters, they make me feel so special. I’m going to answer your questions:

From Hailey:
Will you bring us Chocolate eggs? YES

From Taylor:
1. How are you tonight? Very well thank you, its my favorite night.
2. If we leave Chocolate eggs out will you put your fingers in them and then put them on the wall? I’m not sure about that one as your Mom and Dad were very upset with me last time, but I will make you smile somehow.
3. Do you have any helpers? If you do, do they put Easter eggs in our backyard or do you do it by yourself or do you do it together? Yes I have helpers but I visit every house myself with them, If a family has a pet bunny I don’t use my helpers, I sprinkle magic bunny dust on the bunny and he/she is able to talk and assist me.
4. Do your ears go up or down? Up
5. Do your helpers ears go up or down? Some are up and some are down
6. Do you have a wife? NO, women are too much trouble.
I loved your joke!!

From Masie:
How old are you? 32 (when I get to 35 one of my sons take over)
What is your favorite holiday? Easter
Is your favorite holiday Easter? Yes
Can you please let mango do some of the mess he would like that? Absolutely, I love Mango! He helps me every year.

Have fun today!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Letters

By Hailey:
estr bune, you are butifull.  I dsidin I will dror you a pikch. will you bring us choclit egs?

Translation- Easter Bunny, you are beautiful. I decided I will draw you a picture. Will you bring us chocolate eggs?

By Taylor:
Dear Easter Bunny, How are you tonight? I hope you leave Easter eggs in our back yard, if we leave Chocolate eggs out will you put your fingers in them and then put them on the wall?  If you do that would be very funny for like the 3rd or 4th time.  By the way do you have any helpers? If you do, do they put Easter eggs in our backyard or do you do it by yourself or do you do it together? Do your ears go up or down? Do your helpers ears go up or down? Do you have a wife? Hey, do you want to hear a joke? Ok, here it is..... What are you?........ NO you're an Easter Bunny.

Love Taylor

By Masie:
Dear Easter bunny,
I hope you had a good holiday. I have some question for you.
How old are you? What is your favorite holiday? Is your favorite holiday Easter? Can you please let mango do some of the mess he would like that? I hope you have a good holiday after Easter. one more question do you go to school?
                                                                          Love , Masie

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Welly Weighs

12lbs 8oz
 Such a big boy!! We just love our guy, today he posed with the birds.

 Rex was just making sure the birds were safe and didn't accidentally fall into his mouth.
 Then after 500 pictures, Welly got bored and off he went with birds and all.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Chris and I have been playing tennis for a few weeks now in the evenings. It is the perfect weather right now, not looking forward to the harsh Summer. Maybe I wont be saying that when I live in Washington.
 We thought we would be cute and take pictures with Chris's bike.
 So my lovely sweet Leonie, she is quite the character. She has a lot of attitude and full of life.  We bonded right away and when she gets upset I am the only one she wants. She has come so far, she is ten years old and when she came to us she couldn't speak a word of English (just German). She is now reading and writing, she amazes me. Writing is not her favorite but today she wanted to write about me.  I tried to give her ideas like "Mrs Kerry is Fabulous, and Mrs Kerry is wonderful" she laughed and said "nine, Mrs Kerry". This is all her words.

Mrs Kerry is home.
Mrs Kerry takes Leonie to Math.
Mrs Kerry likes luknch (lunch)
Mrs Kerry mine heart.
My job is still challenging with other students, luckily I am getting quick at defending myself and rarely leave with bruises. I work with some lovely people though and it gets us all through some rough days.

On a completely different note, this traumatized me for life.... I was doing dishes and looked out of the window, I didn't see a sunset or kids playing. I saw 2 wild dogs playing tug or war with my neighbours pet cat. I screamed so loud and ran outside. I threw rocks at the dogs and screamed at them, one dropped the cat. The other carried it across the road where Chris caught up with it and he finally dropped the cat. Hoping the cat had died and not lived through that, no, she was meowing so sad. She died minutes later and her family came to collect her:(
I will never forgot that.

Our house.... So on a brighter note, we have had an offer on our house. They have to sell their house first so we can still market our house and sell to someone else if we get an offer in before they get back to us. We have had many viewings, I hope this one goes through quickly though. We have started looking on the Internet for homes (just looking) and there are some beautiful and huge houses up there in our price range. Its scary not knowing the area or schools though, kind of going in blind, but I know it will all work out.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Little of Whats Been Going On

Wow, I never seem to get a minute to blog anymore. I should have another one after this posting in a day or so but who knows:_
 I just love Hailey's new Teacher, Mrs. Jarvis. She is so awesome she has made the transition so great for the kids, anyway, at the beginning of March they had a problem with a Leprechaun. He was messing everything up and "trying to get them into trouble" (quote from Hailey). She reached out for help and we made this trap..... Many people helped and the naughty leprechaun was caught, he left gold coins for the kids to share.

 When you look out of the window, you don't expect to see your 8 year old hanging from a tree, especially since she is not allowed to climb trees as she likes to break bones.
 This was so cool, our little Zoo now has a walk through Aviary.
 Not sure why this picture is here?
 Masie's is in the middle, it was in the art show this past weekend.
 I was cleaning for a house showing and trying to cook at the same time. So I decided it was perfect timing for Masie to have her first independent cooking experience.

 Yes, Hailey fell over a block of fresh air and scratched her face up.
 She was so super excited and did a fantastic job.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oopsie and Giggles

We just love these cute little "love birds" we are starting to handle them more and more, maybe a Macaw might be in our future.

Taylor's 8th Birthday

Warning: Lots of pictures...... My Taylor/Squidgy turned 8!! What a lovely young lady she is, great personality, great smile, great person and very smart.

I just love her

She was very happy to open her lunch box and found that I had written birthday notes on all her food.
Catherine, Taylor, Hannah and Maddie at Recess, a perk of my job is that I get to see my babies throughout the day.
 Cupcakes in the classroom, these were the only pictures I had permission to take.
 And of course Leonie was invited, she is such a doll with a bunch of attitude and we just love her.
Taylor's teacher Mrs Ellenburg

She even won first place on first in Math for the week.
 A few months ago we got rid of the little Dora kitchen that we have had since Masie was a toddler, they did love it but it was so small and babyish. Taylor wanted a new kitchen, so here it is. Everyone came together to make her present go from great to fabulous, with pots and pans, play food, a trolley and plates and cups.

 She said "I cant wait to see what I look like tomorrow when I am 8". It was so cute.
 When she woke, she ran into her bathroom and said "OMG I look so different". lol

She wanted a sleep over for her party, I said she could invite 2 friends. She picked Hannah and Maddy, Somehow Catherine was invited too and as we were leaving school Friday we had Bella too:-) It was without a doubt the best birthday party ever, she wont forget it in a while. They partied hard, giggled a lot and just had good clean fun.
 Taylor loved how the cake batter looked like a heart with eyes. She wanted to bake her cake with her friends, how fun it was. Seriously awesome.

 Everyone had a turn decorating.
Who knew throwing streamers would be so fun, to second graders this is how they party.

 Presents! She was completely spoilt by her friends, she got some amazing gifts.

 Happy Birthday Taylor, Mummy and Daddy love you very much.
I got photos of the party and put them in little albums for her friends to remember their special night. This will be her last birthday in New Mexico.