Thursday, July 12, 2012

"I Didnt Realize I was afraid of Snakes"

My Dad is so funny, we got Casper out and he started acting all weird and nervous.  We did the right thing and didn't push the snake on him.
 We chased him with it and forced him to hold it.  My Mum was very supportive to her husband.

 "I don't feel good" says my Dad
 Mum was so much braver.

 A bit nervous but being tough.
 Seconds after this picture, Casper slithered up his neck and he screamed like a little girl.  It was so funny I nearly about peed myself.  Look at my gorgeous Mum worried about my Dad. My Dad says "I didn't realize I was afraid of snakes"
So he very randomly decides that he is getting snakes tattooed to his arm, why not!?


  1. oh my god that was the best night lol, poor dad he is still tramatised bless him.xxxx

  2. Too funny. You can see Chris dying of laughter!
