Thursday, June 7, 2012


This was the first of hopefully many trips to the base pool, Masie was full of confidence and went off the diving board, she then went up the big one and freaked out and had to be rescued by the life guard.
 Taylor was so excited to try the diving board, I am so proud of her. This was her very first jump.
 Masie did a cute little twirl in the air.
 Taylor then decided she would try the big diving board. She slowly walked up to the edge and looked very nervous, unfortunately instead of jumping she learnt forward and let her self fall and did a belly flop, OUCH.


  1.!! BABY!!! Go Taylor! I am so proud of you. You have come so far in the water girlie!!! Remember jumping off Uncle Nathan's boat last summer? Let's do it again!!

  2. She has come amazingly far. i can not wait for us all to be back together.

  3. well done Taylor u can show me in a couple of weeks prehaps we will get grandad to jump as well lol xx
