Sunday, September 14, 2014

Masie's 11th Birthday

So apparently I am blogging backwards from now on.
Masie turned 11, wow what a big number. She got a huge Waddles, which she loves!!! She still collects big eyes and has quite the collection now.

We went to the mall with Nanny and Grandad and her friend Bella, we saw this guy doing the spray art and Masie has always loved these. As he was just starting out they were a great price.

We painted pottery at the Riverside Mall, they came out so well, I need to find the picture of them after they were fired.

We went to our favorite snack place, Aunt Annie's Pretzels.
Of course the high light of the day was her phone!! She has wanted one for a few years, I thought the right time would be middle school. There was a lot of people against the idea of her having a phone now at the age 11 but 1st, she is my child. 2nd, there are rules 3rd, she gets a bus home, gets the other two and is babysitting for an hour. 4th, everyone has an opinion and this was right for us.

We love it when Sam goes shopping.

Auntie Maxine's awesome present.

Happy birthday Baby.

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