Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clear lake

Oh Dad!! My Dad got burnt at the lake, not by the sun or the BBQ but a marshmallow. You heard right, we were making smores and he decides he just wants a roasted marshmallow, so he makes a few and they were oh so yummy. Then, he does another one and puts it to his mouth, realizing its on fire still and blows it out...... Or so he thought, he puts it back in his mouth and Chris and Mum were dying laughing as Dad has a marshmallow on fire in his mouth and he is screaming and dancing like a little girl. (I sadly missed this, I would have been far more supportive, or at least got some good shots).

This was a different day at Clear Lake, My parents were in Canada and we were invited to a BBQ for Chris's' squadron. It was a lot of fun much to my surprise (this is way out of my comfort zone). Each shop had to make a boat out of cardboard and race, some clever person wrapped theirs in duct tape. Best idea ever and they were in Chris's shop so they won!

There was a cake contest, some of these people are so talented.

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