Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Photo Friday

I was going through my blog books, we had so much fun looking over our memories that it made me realize that I don't blog a lot anymore. Even the little things are worth putting in a post. So here goes, me and my sister are starting up Photo Friday again.
 These pictures are random as I didn't have anything ready, this is last weeks:) Fishing off a boat!
 Hailey's birthday deco..... She actually got out without ripping the paper.
 This is my boy Danny, I was working 1-1 with him and hope to go back this year.
 Mum and Dad at Medical Lake beach
 Can you really fall asleep on a moving boat while resting your head on a metal rail? Hailey can!
Waiting for the fireworks to start. Reminds me of another post I need to do.

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