Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Masie's 5th Grade Graduation- Buena Vista Elementary

Masie was so very upset when we suggested leaving before the end of the school year at Buena Vista. She has been there for almost 6 years, it was very important to her to finish with her friends.  When things got to the point when I knew we had to leave early, Masie was crushed. I was in pain watching what our decision was doing to her.
 I asked her why she wanted to stay until the end. Her answer was simple, "Mommy, I just wanted to graduate 5th grade with my friends." Wait..... I can do that, and I can do it better than the school!!
We started planning........ Oh how she was happy.

I even got photos from the parents of the graduates, a 5th grade picture and a toddler picture. I collaged them together and it was the perfect touch.

I bought some certificates and rolled them with a poster of the collage for each girl and tied it together with matching ribbon to look like a scroll.  I called their names and graduated them right there in the park.

It was pure FANTABULOUS.

Such a great party but better yet it gave Masie that closure that she needed.


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