Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15th....... Really?

Seriously, where is the time going??!!
I want it to slow down, I had so many Christmas plans and time is just zooming past. I need to make the most of the days left.

We decorated our tree a little early this year, Chris was studying very hard to test for his next rank so we moved tradition around a little.

Maybe it just doesn't feel like Christmas yet as this house doesn't feel like mine, hoping it will ASAP.

Snow! Lots of snow, but it was gone in a few days thank god.

Masie and her friend Julie, Julie and her family have just moved to Japan, what an exciting experience for them.
We made cookies from scratch, it was a good time.

This is my last week as teacher, not sure how I feel about it really. Ive loved the experience so much. Ive had a few bad days of course but I really do love to teach. I'm ready to step down into my safety net for awhile until I can get paid properly for being a teacher:)

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