Thursday, June 20, 2013

Did you See The Clock?


Oh how I'm looking forward to my Mum and Dad being here, it feels like a life time ago since I hugged them.  Mum just called, she is drinking her coffee and then they will set off on their long journey, but it will be so worth it when those little excited children run up to them in the airport.

Its crazy to think that I'm about to have a whole nights sleep and do a whole day full of chores and car servicing and have dinner before I pick them up. Better not to think of it that way.

Can not wait!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Snake in My HOUSE

And it didn't belong to me. Went outside and freaked out when I saw this greeting me, I screamed for Masie to get our neighbor as Chris was out playing golf.  He came over but the snake was in my house and under the fridge, he told me that most snakes around here are poisonous. Doubly freakin out now.
 I get hold of maintenance and what seems like forever a cute guy comes out. He says, "How big is it? Don't know why they sent me I'm scared of snakes" We both laugh and I told him that I was delighted he was here then.
 Realizing that the snake was under the fridge, we pulled it out of the house. He lifted it up on one side and asked if I could see it. I told him yes and it was heading towards him. OMG he threw the fridge, drinks flying everywhere and he screamed.  The snake then went into the house.  He grabbed a pole and threw it onto the lawn and we chased it, well he did, I grabbed my camera.

 He was very brave for someone scared of snakes, he finally got it and we did a little photo shoot with my cameras and his cell phone, lol.

 He threw him over the fence back into the wild and that was it. Very exciting for a Sunday morning. BUT I do NOT welcome anymore.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy 6th birthday Mason

 Mason turn 6 at the beginning of this month, I didn't take too many pictures (I know). But check out these two.
 If Taylor and Mason were to get married in the future wouldn't this be a great wedding gift?

Never a Dull Moment

When you have been in the desert for this long, weird things in your yard don't phase you anymore.
 Don't you love Hailey's face, she was mad because Taylor got it first.
 These toads were just playing around after I had watered the grass  dirt at night.  We were all super excited!! Well apart from Chris, toads and mud all over him is not his cup of tea, weird I know. 

 Aren't they fantabulous?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Braver Than Me

Masie and Taylor are getting so confident in the pool. It worries me sometimes but they really are good.
 High Dive people!!!!

This is our second home this summer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pet update

We have learnt a very harsh lesson over the last few months.  Being military means excessive pets might be a problem. Base housing does not allow any animal apart from a dog or cat. You may have 2 pets.  All our snakes had to be re homed. I'm very sad by this, BUT we found wonderful homes for them. The birds are currently living with a friend and we will get them back when we move states. The bunny is under Masies bed, Shush.  Welly and Boots are here too, double Shush.
Sweet little Pablo.......... Being in this tiny house with all the dust and dog hair, my skin is suffering.  I was advised to re home him by the doctor. Instead of doing that I took him to the groomer and had him shaved. I'm so clever, but seriously could you really re home this dog?
 Welly is struggling here, he is not used to being hidden and he usually wonders the yard for 8 hours a day. He is used to daily sun and daily grass and weed eating.  He gets out a little in the yard but its mainly dirt and the grass has no goodness to it.  He also found a weird weed and was sick all over the floor.  I was very worried about him, Chris is going to make his home a little more tortoise proof with a UV and heat lamps.  Also we are starting to take him for walks to the park, strapped in a stroller with a blanket over him of course.
 And he can eat away on lovely green grass. I love my baby, I hope he is happier soon.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Sonya

We were excited to throw Sonya a birthday party, I started off making the cake........

 Lots of love going into the cake.

 Ooops a little accident
 Doesn't it look beautiful?
 Chris made a wonderful Brisket.
 Happy girls enjoying the party.

 Chris being "Normal"

 Cake anyone?

 Present time.

 After the party we went to the pool for a few hours. We had a really fun time.

Happy Birthday Sonya!!