Monday, October 29, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

Teaching the kids about drugs and the dangers are very important at a young age, this whole week focuses on anti drugs.
1. Hats off to Drug........ Wear a hat
 2. I forgot the slogan for this day...... Wear sunglasses
 3.Drugs are unBEARable, bring a bear to school. (i didn't do pictures this day.
4. Turn your back on drugs...... Backwards day
 5. I forgot this slogan too....... Crazy hair day

 I got up at 5.50am to get everybodies hair done and fabulous for school.

We are all doing great in school. While I'm here and who know when I will blog next I will give a little update:
Masie, she is doing so good and a straight A student. She got a B on reading aloud and managed to pull that grade up before the report cards came out.  Some of the math that comes home with her goes way over my head, and I secretly think "please don't need help".
Taylor is doing Great also, she got all A's and B's on her report card. She is learning Money and graphs at the moment, I'm enjoying helping her in the evenings.
Hailey is also fabulous, taking pride in everything she does. She got all C's on this report card with one B. Being it was her first report card she rocked it!! She is struggling a little on blending sounds to make words but she is quickly coming around with practice.
Me, well I'm doing great, I'm having far more good days than bad now. I really love what I do, I'm happy... Most days


  1. yaaayyyy :)
    Calebs school doing red ribbon week this week today was pj's day, tomorrow crazy hair, wed disco day thurs wacky tacky day, friday red day.

  2. Its so much fun while teaching them great life skills. Cant wait to see Caleb tomorrow:-)

  3. Yay! My school doesn't do anything with red ribbon week. We are in the ghetto :o) They hand out ribbons and that is the end of it! So what math program is the school using - Everyday Math, Singapore, Paxson? I can help with Paxson and Nate can help with Singapore. Singapore is the best math program and Paxson is sucky and confusing.

    Glad you are enjoying your job! I love mine too but it ends in two weeks. Can you believe my teaching is almost up! I can't believe that I could actually get my own classroom and be the responsible teacher now!! Yay!

  4. You are so ready for your own classroom!! i wish u could teach my girls. masies math is fraction noations and decimal notations using tenths. hundredths. thousandths. trust me u are the first on my list to call for help!! she seems to know how to do it though. i just look at her like she has two heads. lol

  5. Oh that is good stuff! So basically that is saying 1/10 is the same as .1 and 1/100 is the same as .01 and 1/1000 is the same as .001 :o) It's not as hard as it sounds! Absolutely have her call me with the slightest question. Math is not something to get behind in, in the fourth grade. It's a HUGE year for math and will make a big difference in how she is able to handle the bigger math that is to come!
