My computer is really messing around so I apologise if this post comes out weird, the pictures are backwards I know that much. So to run through what has happen: Taylor had a high fever for 5 days and we just couldn't break it, we were told by the base to not bring her in to see a doctor as it was just a virus and it will run its course. Hailey doing the same thing the week before and got over it so I was happy to just wait it out. Saturday evening she just wasn't happy at all, screaming and crying. I took her to the ER and they brought her in the back straight away. They took her bloods and got a shock that her white blood cells were at 2 when the norm is 8-10, they call the on call Holloman doctor as the doctor they had wouldn't see military children!! (don't get me started!) Anyway, he came out and was unhappy that he was called in the middle of the night, he admitted her and came back in the morning. After apologising for the night before he was really nice. I was getting really worried especially when the nurse said he has only seen results like this in cancer patients. He should have never told me that and tried to back track. But reality is, he's right. The doctor didn't want to worry me and didn't tell me his concerns until after he had cleared them. He was discussing Taylor to the blood/cancer specialist in Albuquerque and she was almost certain that as she was tested positive for Mono that this was the cause of all her symptoms. They are treating Taylor here in Alamogordo for now and just hope she gets better.

She is hooked up to and IV and had antibiotics 3 times daily. She is extremely weak and the first day she just laid life-less in the bed not caring about anything. She is having her bloods taken a lot and this is causing a lot of trauma for her, they are having a hard time getting the blood so each time takes a few attempts. When anyone comes to the door she gets really scared. She received some lovely gifts today, she is a very loved little girl, Auntie Kristi and her family got her a gorgeous smiley face mug filled with beautiful flowers, Nanny and Grandad got her a lovely pink bear, Estella got her a purple fluffy pillow and some crayons and paper, she also got us a giant lasagna and ice-cream for dinner! Levi got her a puzzle book, stickers and a coloring book. So many people have shared their prays and well wishing for her and it means so much to us, thank you everyone!!
This pictures was actually in the ER, thank god for my Kindle fire!!
Ill try to update daily:-)