Today has been Wednesday for me right up until 12.32 this afternoon, the kids have after school clubs on Wednesday so I made a huge point of reminding them this morning and telling Faith and Nicki that they will be coming home together. Sonya was there so I part blame her as she didn't catch my mistake. My daycare parent picks up Peyton who finishes at 11.30 but she was a little late and I say "don't worry its Wednesday Hailey has no school" and she didn't catch my mistake so I partly blame her too. I carry on the morning as a Wednesday and call my Mum at 11.45 which is the normal time I would be taking Hailey to school (on any other day) and she didn't catch my mistake so I partly blame her too. Then I go on the web cam with her around 12.30 and I ask if she wants to see Hailey, she replies "why is Hailey there?" "its Wednesday mother, she doesn't go on Wednesday" that's when she breaks the news to me that it was infact Tuesday and I rush to the phone to explain to the school that I'm completely nuts!!! I feel so discombobulated right now, It wont feel right until next week when I can start over. To sum up I am only 1/4 to blame for this craziness of a day.
On to my post when Hailey went to school yesterday (Monday). She asked her teacher on Friday if she could bring her bunny in to show the class, as always her teacher is wonderful and said yes. So here is Hailey and Mango at North
Pre school.

She was unbelievably happy and proud to show her bunny. Here is

And Pablo (yes it took her a while to get used to the fact that her friend has the same name as her dog)

On further news, I get a call from the head of the school today and get asked if they can test Hailey for speech, I think I said before that they think Hailey has reached all her speech goals (which I disagree with) and they want to release her from the program. As advised that it will be worse if I do not allow her to be tested I agreed and we just have to wait and see what the results are. The plus side is that its somebody Hailey doesn't know that comes and tests her, and I may have accidentally reinforced the fact that STRANGERS AND DANGEROUS and you must not speak to strangers, WHAT, its true!!
Not that I don't agree that Hailey has come so far with her speech, she has but I don't think she is there yet. I still cant understand a lot she says and I still have to translate to other people what she is saying. I will advocate for my child to get the care she needs
Speech testing day would also be a great day to see what happens when you feed Hailey sugar and coffee for breakfast - why not wash it down with a bowl of ice cream and a mountain dew too. Not that I have EVER done anything like THAT to throw off the behavior. :-/
ReplyDeleteNICE!! Sounds like a plan. Im doing it!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip,lol.
Don't they teach the days of the week in England?????? Its ok we still love ya!
ReplyDeleteI must have missed that day:-) Time to go back to school I think. x Crazy day
ReplyDeleteLol you can't blame me i did'nt know that Hailey was home until you told me at 12.30 so actually its half your fault. xxx Kerry its WEDNESDAY TODAY HAILEY CAN STAY HOME. xx
ReplyDeleteDItto to what your mum said. It's Wednesday now! You should probably send her to school anyway to make up for your slacker mom moment yesterday!! LOL Just kidding. We all have those kinds of days!